1st SCROG attempt, need your opinion + a few questions

Good evening RIU

Just wanted to show you guys my second grow. This time, I decided to try scrogging, and since I'm unable to come by clones, I had to do it from seed. Strain is Super Lemon Haze under 250w HPS. Day 14 of flower, vegged for 31 days. How does it look so far?

foto 1.jpgfoto 2.jpgfoto 3.jpgfoto 5.jpgfoto 6.jpgfoto 7.jpgfoto 8.jpgfoto 9.jpgfoto 10.jpg

As you probably see, I planted 3 of them, but 2 of them didnt start too well, and got very delayed. I decided just to scrog plant #1 and let the other two catch up while plant #1 was filling the up the screen. How do you think it'll turn out when the screen hasn't really had any effect on two of the plants?

Also, when do I start removing branches and bud sites under the screen? Should I remove all of it at once, or do a little at a time? And how much, if anything at all, should I remove from plant #2 and #3?

Hope you are able to tell which is which from the pictures. Have a good night!


Well-Known Member
i usually pull the lower stuff after wek two of flower. that way everything that is going to clear the screen has during the stretch. also u should have LSTed them sooner and trained them over. also a little longer a veg would have been cool to fill the screen more. ill post a pic of a 2x4 box scrog i have going so u can get an idea. its about 4 days into flower now. plants were vegged about a month before i topped them way up high and LSTed them over and put the screen on them. have 4 in 2 gallon smart pots and on in a 1 gallon to fill the middle. ill go take a pic or two now. any questions before i get back go ahead and ask and il answer them as best as i can. im not a pro at scrog but have done enough research to give u a decent idea.


Well-Known Member
also a scrog is best done with the same strains so u dont have different plant hights. but ur small enough i dont think ull need to worry about it.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
I'd say this grow looks good and the next one will be even better from your learning experience. Any chance of changing the light for your next grow? What did you use to veg? LST and topping will improve your next grow a lot!
Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
when i first put the plants in and the first tuck was done.
this is after the vegging and tucking. once a week i would go in and tuck them back under the screen. once it was filled up all the way i tucked them one last time same day i put them into flower. i only vegged about a week after putting them in the screen.
see the tucking i had to do? i would tuck them all the way under the screen once a week and then they would grow up from the nodes. gives u more tops and bud sites to harvest from also it increases the efficiency of ur light footprint.
Thank you for a quick answers guys.


Thorough reply, I like it. Great pictures. I realize now that I should've vegged longer and filled out the screen. Instead I decided to just let plant #2 and #3 go straight through the screen. Next grow will def be better.

The canopy has become kinda uneven after strecting started. The tops on the outside are about 10 cm taller than the ones in the middle. I thought they would catch up since they're the ones getting the most light, but they're lacking behind. Is there anything I should do to make the canopy even out?


I use a blue spectrum 250w HPS for vegging. Thought about changing to LEDs, but I dont know much about them. However, my tent is only 60x60x160cm, so I doubt there's room for more bud than what my 250w is already giving me. Probably wrong though, anyone??


Could you elaborate on that, please?


Well-Known Member
a good way to start is let them just grow straight up after they are at a specified height u need take a pair of pliers and give it a pinch where u want the bend. it will fall over under its own weight and then u veg them a bit longer. if u top them at the top of the plant after its bent over the growth will be more evenly divided to the lower branches. and just keep tucking till the screen fills up. once its full. if u have those few that get too tall too fast give them a good pinch like u did with the lower bend. less pressure tho as u want it to kinda keep its rigidity. and the vertical height will slow allowing the rest of the canopy to catch up without compromising the plant to much. when u pinch u will feel the snap or a little pop between ur fingers. its ok its normal. it will form a knot where u pinched it once its healed and it will later allow more nutrient flow or whatever u want to call it thru that branch. lol. cant remember off the top of my head. u should be ok with the 250 in that small a space. anything bigger and u will need adequate ventalation. as in an exhaust fan and a cooled hood. lower ur bulb as close as u can get without burning. at this point ur more or less in a learning curve. learn away young grasshoppa. down worry too much about yield this time around just enjoy the smoke and learn from ur mistakes and do a lot of browsing and reading of other peoples threads. a 2x2 foot screen should yield u about 3+ ounces if u have a big enough light and enough experience. u should be able to pull at least a few ounces out of that screen easily once u learn more.


Well-Known Member
stray away from advanced lighting until u can get the grow going good. when u change too many variables to fast u will throw urself and the plants off. best to find a rhythm and slowely deviate from it. maybe go with just a nice hps bulb for flowering purposes.


Well-Known Member
any questions just private message me. or hit me up on my thread. its in my signature at the bottom. :)


Well-Known Member
You'll dial in what these babies love soon enough,.. i ran a waterfarm up through day 35 flower in my link .. but there was a little mishap.. the run up until that point was crazayyyyy check it out.. i am about to transplant a slh back into the waterfarm so i'll be a few weeks behind.. but if you're still in veg while before i hit flower you can compare.. My slh was a clone from seed mom.. from ghs.. yours?


Well-Known Member
I just tuck the fan leaves under the screen. I need to do it every couple of days in veg and every day during stretch.
I find the older ones tend to die and fall off as flowering progresses.
Everything I read on here about people arguing over trimming fan leaves amazes me as I find with this method it just seems to happen naturally.
Another trick I use is clothes pegs to pin the branches to the screen.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member

I use a blue spectrum 250w HPS for vegging. Thought about changing to LEDs, but I dont know much about them. However, my tent is only 60x60x160cm, so I doubt there's room for more bud than what my 250w is already giving me. Probably wrong though, anyone??


Wow, unless my convesion is wrong you are growing in a very small area!!! Nothing against small areas because I've had plenty of fun in small boxes, but I digress. Is your area equivalent to 1 foot x 1 foot x 4 feet? Sure appears larger than that in your pix, but that would limit you to a smaller bulb. Whatever you are doing...keep up the good work and keep posting pix when you can :)

Mine are ghs from seed on day 15 of flower. Will be great to compare. What wattage/nutes are you using?

@Brother Numsi

Its more like 2x2x5 feet. Doin' as much as I can to keep it up. Checking ph and mixing nutes all the time, they're thirsty! Have decided to invest in a continuous tri-meter for my next grow. :eyesmoke:

Here are some new pics. Day 15 flower:

foto 11.jpgfoto 12.jpgfoto 13.jpgfoto 14.jpgfoto 15.jpg


I cleaned out under the screen, and gave the tallest tops a little pinch like you told me to. You can still do it even though they're flowering, right? :roll:

On my first grow I yielded 7 ounces off 3 autos in the same space. Was kinda surprised, dunno if it wasn't all dry before I weighed it or maybe the scale was off. From what I've read, I shouldn't be expecting anything near that this time, but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.


So I should take the fan leaves that are above the screen now and tuck them under? What's the idea with the pegs, aren't my branches where they're supposed to be? Wanna be able to fully understand scrogging :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
id slowly pull the biggest of the fan leaves off. just every day go in and pull one out. starting from big to smallest. take about the 4 biggest out. see how it looks and take more if it doesnt look like enough. ur trying to let more light thru the canopy. remember dont take too many. just the big ass ones. lol. like head sized bastards. lol. becuz i see a few of em in there. lol.


Well-Known Member
The grow at the beginning of the thread was slh from ghs also.. 600 watts, that was using advanced nutrients and fox farm additives... This time around I'm trying out House and Garden.. I've only heard good, so hoping it kicks ass


Well-Known Member
Pegs help you actually 'pin it' to the screen. I only use 3 or 4 at a time but move them around. The branches tend to go woody after 2-3 days then stay where they were placed.
Helps you keep within that 'sweet-spot' from the light. After all, that's the point of a scrog.
Pull the fan leaves down under the screen to expose light to buds and sugar leaves. They will die naturally.
Probably too late now but next grow.


Well-Known Member
Now I've had another look, I wonder if those plants have too much Sativa in them to benefit from scrog too much.


Well-Known Member
the screen will still increase ur yield. it just depends on how much they stretch in the beginning of flower. some sativas may need to be tucked at the beginning and tucked a second time a week into flower. unlike indica dom plants that should need only one tuck at the beginning of flower.