Hi There
New here, due to the climate started growing inside for medical purposes. CBD from the main street shop does not do it on fybro, but "normal" stuff does
I have a few different plants kicking of at different stages
A few auto AK47 ... , an Auto-duck .... a few Hollands Hope for the Garden and 2 photo's Kaline and Chili
(Keeping my light schedule on 18-6 which should not bother my autos)
But regarding that light ... I am confused
At the moment I am running 18/6 1200W Chinese LED Light
Can someone explain in plain N00b English what those switches are for
Veg ON Bloom OFF is for Vegging stage and Veg OFF Bloom ON for Blooming stage seem logical
But I read BOTH on in either stage
What is the point in switching the light colour(frequencies) if you can have them all on all the time?
New here, due to the climate started growing inside for medical purposes. CBD from the main street shop does not do it on fybro, but "normal" stuff does
I have a few different plants kicking of at different stages
A few auto AK47 ... , an Auto-duck .... a few Hollands Hope for the Garden and 2 photo's Kaline and Chili
(Keeping my light schedule on 18-6 which should not bother my autos)
But regarding that light ... I am confused
At the moment I am running 18/6 1200W Chinese LED Light
0 new items by Paddle Hands

Can someone explain in plain N00b English what those switches are for
Veg ON Bloom OFF is for Vegging stage and Veg OFF Bloom ON for Blooming stage seem logical
But I read BOTH on in either stage
What is the point in switching the light colour(frequencies) if you can have them all on all the time?