1st time, CFL, bathroom grow


New Member
So this is my 1st time ever attempting to grow. I will be using some CFL bulbs. These will be grown in my spare full sized bathroom (in the tub for easy drainage). I plan to make light "fixture" with PVC pipe which includes a metal hood. Then paint large cardboard boxes (made to walls) white for reflective purposes. These should be nice and mobile for maintenance purposes. I have some Cannalope Haze (supposed to be anyway) seeds germinating as we speak. I have been reading until my eyes are about to bleed and there is just so much information. The problem is not only is there a ton of information, but a ton of information that contradicts that information. So some newbie questions that I'm sure have been asked 1000x over. I'm pretty much operating out of big box stores here. I'm super paranoid, so the local box stores all have self check outs that can ease that a bit. With that being said here goes. ------------1) I have read to use 2300k (red) cfl's for flowering and 6500k (blue) for vegging. Is it really necessary to use the blue? If not, will it make that big of a difference? I have seen tons of the reds local, but the blues are a little few and far between and seem to cost double the price. If I could get away with 12 reds, 75watt, 1250 lumens ech for the price of 6 blues 100 watt, 1600 lumens ech, then it seems like that would be more economical. If I have to have the blue lights, can I use a mixture of both with fine results?---------------2) How many lights should I need for say 2-3 plants? This will be in a standard style bath tub, so not a huge space, but not tiny either. Should I place the lights all above or a mixture of both? I thought about lights above (maybe 6?), one on each corner, and 2 in the middle to try to get good coverage. ----------------3) How long is it really necessary to veg? With it being a largely sativa strain, what kind of yield would i potentially see just going straight to red light 12/12? -----------------4) What is going to be my best bet for a soil mixture I can pickup at Home Depot, Lowes, Wal-Mart? Any decent nutrients avail at these? (Most of the ones I have seen were older threads that I can't seem to find the products in store now). I'm sure I will have several more questions, but these to just get on the go are all I have for now.


you can go all red, but you will have better results (worth the effort/cost) if you throw in a couple blues, the plants are gonna be wanting more light so giving em full spectrum will help alot
for CFL's your gonna need to keep the bulbs very close to the plants, your starting plan to have 6 at corners and center snds good, if possible i'd have double bulbs hanging on each wire
sativa grows tall (not sure if you have a pure sativa or a indica mix) so i wouldnt veg too long, a couple wks tops IMO
you should be able to do 2-3 plants easy
the tile or fiberglass splash board should be fine for reflecting light, i wouldnt bother covering it
thats my 2cents