1st time cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna go to walgreens today and see if they have that schultz 10-15-10. That seems to be the best stuff i can get without going to a hydro store, which there is not one anywhere around. My lights come on in an hour and a half at 6am so ill be checking it then to see if it has gotten any taller. If it hasnt then we prolly got a problem. It didnt really grow yesterday, but i think thats cause i gave it a really wet watering.


Well-Known Member
Day 10 of 12/12.

Its 12.5-13 inches tall today. I dunno if its cause i havent given any nutes at all yet or what, but it kinda seems like some of the leaves are getting "soft". i dunno how else to describe it. The plant is nice and dark green and looks healthy otherwise. Still no sign of sex. There is what seems to be the calyx forming tho so hopefully ill know soon. Gonna try to find some schultz 10-15-10 today or tomorrow. The burnt lookin spots is where i burnt the leaves on the lights.



Well-Known Member
she's just been asleep so most of the time wil seem droopy and soft. mine do butafter an hour or so under the light the come back to life :)

look good btw. keep it up.


Well-Known Member
thanks, and thanks for keepin up with my journal. atleast i know someone reads it when i update lol. Do you think ill be able to flower all the way to harvest using 5-23w 2700k and 1-23w 6500k? or should i pick up a couple more 2700k? there 1600 lumens each.


Well-Known Member
im sure theres a few following it just i nick all the posting space lol. j/k

some people browse but dont post.

iv never grow with cfls but i would think that 5 would be a good number. it wouldnt hurt to add more though. more light is better but just make sure temps are good.


Well-Known Member
temps stay around 75 with the lights on and 65 to 60 with lights off. Does anyone know what yellow leaf tips mean? Some of the leaves have yellow way at the very tip of the leaf.


Well-Known Member
they yellowing i seen on the leaf looked like someone let it grow into the light lol. the rest of the plant look healthy mate.


Well-Known Member
yeah the yellowing in pics was from the light touching it. The yelow on the tips is just at the very tips of some leaves, very small yellow tips. I just got some of the schultz 10-15-10. How much do i mix with water?


Well-Known Member
yeah the yellowing in pics was from the light touching it. The yelow on the tips is just at the very tips of some leaves, very small yellow tips. I just got some of the schultz 10-15-10. How much do i mix with water?
check ho wmuch it says on the bottle mate and use 1/4 the stated dose to get the plant used to it. then gradually work up until your at a happy medium. if the plant burns, lay off nutes for a watering or so and use less next time.


Well-Known Member
yeah the yellowing in pics was from the light touching it. The yelow on the tips is just at the very tips of some leaves, very small yellow tips. I just got some of the schultz 10-15-10. How much do i mix with water?
i think its like 1/4 the required dosage on the box.
Plants are looking good bro :weed:
How long did you veg b4 flowering?


Well-Known Member
i vegged for about 3.5 to 4 weeks. Its on day 10 of 12/12. Still no sign of sex. Doesnt need watered yet. Prolly will tomorrow or next day with the nutes.


Well-Known Member
i vegged for about 3.5 to 4 weeks. Its on day 10 of 12/12. Still no sign of sex. Doesnt need watered yet. Prolly will tomorrow or next day with the nutes.
How tall was it when you started to flower?
And like how much are you expecting to yield per plant? :shock:


Well-Known Member
Well this is my first plant and im mjust growing it to see if i can get one to grow till harvest. Im not too worried about how much it will yield thats why i started it early to get it done faster and start growing more plants. i dont remember how tall it was when i started 12/12 around 7 or 8 inches i think. 13 inches now.


Well-Known Member
Well this is my first plant and im mjust growing it to see if i can get one to grow till harvest. Im not too worried about how much it will yield thats why i started it early to get it done faster and start growing more plants. i dont remember how tall it was when i started 12/12 around 7 or 8 inches i think. 13 inches now.
Sweet, well they look awsome so far. Reason i asked is cuz my plants
bout 7.5'' and i was thinkin bout goin ahead an flowerin in a week or so.
Didnt know if it'd be ok, but your plants look badass soo..:hump:


Well-Known Member
yeah it should be fine. Im just worrying cause its day 10 of 12/12 and there is still no sign of sex.