1st time coco grower

Now then fellow tokers where to start???
I've got 6 bubblegums, 14 days into flower now coming on well under 1 600w HPS, I'm using canna a+b coco feed, canna boost used from day 7 of flower and some pk13/14 { when and how long should this be used for}.
Is their anything else you think I need should be using??? Help will be good + any good tips on stress techniques for extra weight without damaging my ladies since their 14 days in


Active Member
not sure about the pk13/14, dont use it myself. but the only thing i would suggest id thinning out the inner 1/3 of your plants to open them up and concentrate the growth to the more beneficial growth tips.
Cheers m8 never heard of this technique but I'll try it out on 1 of the girls see how she takes it cos some are just like xmas trees gone mad lol
I've decided to try a few things out with a cpl of my plants
1 plant . I've cut the inside 3rd of lower branchs i.e. leaves + flowers [ looking healthy no bad signs so far]
1 plant . Took the tips off most of leaves on this [ leaves drooping my guess thro stress ]
Last 1 I've tied down all main branchs to expand the canopy .
Any suggestions on the last 2 to try as I'm leaving 1 el natural.
All my cuttings are from the same mother so roughly same size between 11.5 & 13" any one no roughly the final size of my plants since its 1st time I've grown BG + coco
Will try post pics soon as possible
Yeah I've heard this meself bout just on wk5 for a week, some say weeks 4/5 & 8 depending on strain, others week 4 all way thro to flush.
Anyone no of any good reasons why not to run all the way thro i.e. stunting of growth or owt else???


Well-Known Member
i dont no the ins n outs but think its sumfing to do with the plant only being able to use the pk13/14 at a certain stage of flower? i said wk 5 cause mine were 8-9wk strains but i fink its actually 3wks b4 the chop?

like i say im not all that certain i only used it a couple of times do a search on it n im shore you find the answer.
Yeah a will do m8 see what these lot reckon, do u use owt else int floweing stage or just pk cos I've got boost but been told its pretty shit n waste of cash for what it does


Well-Known Member
i was using soil and at the start used the full range of bio-bizz including the heaven which cost 50quid a small bottle! nowdays i just use grow,bloom n topmax n have just as good if not better results lol

most nutes are a rip off bdave.

have heard good things bout overdrive and also shooting powder both simalar to pk well you use them in the last few wks neway.

also ghe ripen is a good nute i often use that at the end.
Sound what's that ripen [just weight on at end of is it for taste?] Yeah overdrive is good I've been told but my local hydro dint have it in stock.
Cheers sambo so what goodies you got on the go at the min???
how r u liking it? i was thinkin bout switching to coco r u using hydro or dirt? Its to late for u to do any type of training. u usually want to do ur training when ur plants a baby, because when its a baby the stock is moist and flexible. I use strings and make a loop around the branch that i want to train (usually the bigger branches).
But makes surre that u dont tie to tight or it will cut of the circulation o water flower to that branch. then i take the other end of the string and duck tape it to the ground if using soil and if ur using hydropincs then duck tape it to the table.
Sound what's that ripen [just weight on at end of is it for taste?] Yeah overdrive is good I've been told but my local hydro dint have it in stock.
Cheers sambo so what goodies you got on the go at the min???
No I'm using 15ltr pots with canna coco coming on nicely. Was surprised wi the coco being so good but uve got to be their everyday wi it [ pain int arse ] since I was using NFT b4 in my last grow defo going back to some sort of hydro system with the profits I'm thinking maybe wilma's or autopots both look good. Yeah just using string meself wi good old selotape, I only ask on tips as this is my 1st time growing indica's


Well-Known Member
canna pk is prety affordable so I always have used it - 25% every feeding from start of 12 / 12 then 50% the next week then full strength when flowering starts for 10 days then 50% for a week then 25% the next and quit. Seems to keep things real green and healthy
Thanks for the advice boys tried 2 plants on 1/4 pk seems to of gave it nute burn so stopped it now just boost n a+b n their booming haha I'll have a look @ advice on coco cheers m8, been looking @ a set of autopots on coco for next time seem a good matchs heard of some good results aslong as the piping stays unblocked of nute salts n limescale since I'm in a hard water area