1st time ever growing


Active Member
3 of my plants have really started to get stronger stems which is good im happy the other ones how ever arnt as strong but they are also alot smaller so im hoping as they grow the stems will get stonger


Active Member
ok so i got some terrrible news my plants were doing so good like 2 feet tall not even flowered yet looking all pretty healthy with fairly strong stems most of them could stand on their own but.... i was moving them back to my house and i brought them out to the car in probably like 10 degree weather and they were there for about 15 mins because i got in an argument with my girl so they wilted and i took them out as soon as i could with out pissing her off but there pretty fucked up i put them back under the light but idk if its going to help it at all if their in shock does anyone know if theyll start looking better or am i fucked


Well-Known Member
wow that sucks guy
i think they might be in a bad shock
just keep under the lights and see what happens if after a while still not better then ya ur fucked like u said
damn guy :0(
i hope they get better


Active Member
haha there dead but im gonna start a new grow as soon as i get seed with only 2 plants and put them in different pots and keep the light closer so im hoping the next one will be faster and less stretched