1st Time Farmer! (1) HTG "432"W 7 band (1) A51-60 + CFL - Coco Hempy Bucket


Well-Known Member
If I'm reading the specs for that correctly (3% Ca by weight) and assuming the solution has a similar density to water (1g/ml), then you are getting
5g(.03)/3.785L = ~40ppm/L Ca

So that might be a little low (I give my tomatoes more than that). But PSUAGRO is on to something better; the pH...
Are you still using only drops for checking your pH?
Ya and I really haven't been doing a whole lot of checking. That AN PH perfect and RO water has been keeping me in the sweet. I'll check some runoff and such in the next cpl days to make sure I'm not running into PH issues. Many thanks yall


Well-Known Member
Good news. I gave a shout to the local shop and after some discussion it seems as if they inadvertently gave me the old formula connoisseur instead of the PH perfect. So that's probably why I had no problems throughout veg. They were real cool about it and remembered me being specific about wanting the PH perfect so they said they will swap it out no problem so hopefully that will get me back on top. Even though I can honestly say I haven't noticed a real slow down. That AN PH perfect really does what it advertises.


Well-Known Member
Yaaa buddy! Finally got my scope so I clipped a nice side bud on FA2 that was almost completely cloudy. Let it sit on the light a day, and finally got to taste my work. I'm proud to say that even with a quick dry, and hardly any flush, the bud did not taste bad. It smelled above average, however it still had the somewhat generic fresh weed smell, but hey it's fresh weed so it's kinda to be expected right? Smoked real nice though, no cough at all, nice thick white smoke and the end result was a high that is perfectly mellow. I am in love with my Fallen Angel!


Well-Known Member
Good to hear. That lady of yours is almost done. The taste definitely gets better with a nice hang dry, gets that green taste out. It's been a good journal


Well-Known Member
damn this is makin me a little antsy lol. i was all excited about seein my little plantito for the first time today and you've already tasted your work!! can't wait for that day man, nice journal for sure :leaf: i'll be followin'


Well-Known Member
Everything is plumping up just as expected. I'm thinking I may just clip the top of FA2 on Sunday and let the rest go another week.. I wish everybody a safe and healthy Tuesday! Pics manana.


Well-Known Member
What up world? My bad I was extra busy and unable to get the pics today but will make sure tomor. Trichs are looking pretty cloudy on the top of FA2, so I'm thinking my guess of Sund might not be too far off. I've been trying a little defoliation on my smaller ladies, and honestly I think I'm seeing positive results.

On a side note, I'm wondering how many of yall can relate to my present position. I'm getting so close to the end that I'm having a hard time paying the 270 for the zip every week. Long story short, l been trying to get by on some huckabee I'd had put away before last years harvest time, but I broke down and got a quo from my buddy and this shit is even worse than what I had!! IDK how many of you guys have hookups that are your buddies so you pay the same for the top shelf as you do when it's not as good, and it's kinda.. douchey.. to not take at least a little when it's not so good.. But I swear I may as well reach outside my fucking window and pick some leaves off the got danged bush yall. Shit just barely helps ease my stomach. Anyways, I can't wait til I can harvest and leave the days of worrying about the 1/20 bags that is a let down.

I just tucked a couple HSO Chemdawg in the paper towel this morn, so if things go as planned, I shall start my 3rd journal here shortly!


Well-Known Member
hey. a huge problem with those htg leds, if you can return it do so, I have friend that work there, the return rate is 100 percent, with those. they, don't work. junk,. your veg is prob done with the florescent only . those htg lights burn up as well with in 6 months, I was looking into buying them , my friends are tell me all this. info is from very good sources,


Well-Known Member
hey. a huge problem with those htg leds, if you can return it do so, I have friend that work there, the return rate is 100 percent, with those. they, don't work. junk,. your veg is prob done with the florescent only . those htg lights burn up as well with in 6 months, I was looking into buying them , my friends are tell me all this. info is from very good sources,
LOL Take this shit somewhere else Simpin. If you're not going to read the thread, and just tell me what a friend of a friend told you, choke yourself. Presently my CFL is vegging my garden veggies and the HTG has been great in my veg tent. I got it at over 50% off and it's been running strong for the 3 months I've had it. Personally, I wouldn't even think about paying full price on an LED. Thanks anyways!


Well-Known Member
I know I had mentioned possibly chopping tomorrow, but instead I decided to cut the cola on FA2, which was mostly cloudy, and am going to let the rest go at least 1 more week. My buddy came through with some of the best hash I have ever had. So the hash, and hopefully the cola in 7-10 days, will allow me to see this through properly.

Also, I'm encountering some "homegrown" fresh ass weed smell and am wondering if the good dank smell will come back with a good upside down, dark, dry along with a semi-short cure? Any help would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
The smell will come back with a nice cure. I was a bulls Dan when MJ was around but now I'm am avid supporter. Good luck against those heat


Well-Known Member
Well folks, yesterday was about a quarter amber so I chopped. I can't wait to update with the dry weight in a couple days. Pics tomor!


Well-Known Member
What up world? So I ended up with a little over 3 oz of good quality dense nugs, and a half of smaller popcorn buds. I didn't weight the hash trimmings and am now planning on making some edibles for the folks. My aunt has MS, and was probably a pothead before anyways, and I just came from over there where I gave her a nice little gift. She was nice and surprised, makes it all worth it Here are a few of the bud pics I took last night..

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Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics of the flower room now..

FA3:IMG_0664.jpgIMG_0665.jpgIMG_0666.jpgIMG_0674.jpgIMG_0667.jpgIMG_0668.jpgFA4: IMG_0669.jpgIMG_0670.jpgIMG_0675.jpgIMG_0671.jpgWWxCheese: IMG_0672.jpgIMG_0673.jpgIMG_0676.jpgIMG_0677.jpg

Something told me to go ahead and check FA4, and low and behold she's going amber already. So my plan is to probably allow a 4 day flush or so. I haven't been going too hard on the flowering nutes so I think I will be alright. The pistils on FA3 are kind of turning quick compared to bud formation so I'm not too sure what's going on there. I will check triches better tonight or tomorrow, but those are the preliminary results.

The White Cheese was kinda looking runty compared to the FA's for the first few weeks of flower, but I am very proud to say that that bitch is putting on some weight. I may have to help hold her up if she keeps it up!

On a side note, I wanted to run HSO Chemdawg but was having problems getting them going and only ended up with 1 out of 4. I thought something might have been wrong, or contaminated, so i threw some bagseed(I thought bagseed was a strain until I finally got some seeds in my last batch of sour,) in the very same towel and water etc, and popped 5 or 6 out of 7. I sent Attitude and HSO some emails, and am hoping the best, but it's been a few days since I've heard back from HSO. Wish me luck! Have a blessed day y'all.


Well-Known Member
What up world wide web? FA4 is on its 9th week of flowering so I think I'm looking at either this Sat or next Tues Weds she shall be coming down. I'm really looking forward to this one. I managed to avoid any major problems at all so far and the buds look so fat and juicy I can't wait.

Alright here's the pics:

FA4: IMG_0678.jpgIMG_0679.jpgIMG_0680.jpgIMG_0681.jpgWhite Cheese: IMG_0682.jpgIMG_0683.jpgIMG_0684.jpgIMG_0685.jpg FA3: IMG_0687.jpgIMG_0688.jpgIMG_0689.jpg