1st Time Farmer! (1) HTG "432"W 7 band (1) A51-60 + CFL - Coco Hempy Bucket


Well-Known Member
Hey rollitupIMG_0366.jpgIMG_0367.jpgIMG_0377.jpg.. First time farmer here just getting everything going. I just put a couple freebies (1 auto somango and 1 auto sweet tooth) between some papertowel in a Tupperware on a heating mat last night. I decided to grow the 2 autos because it's still real cold where I'm at so I can't have too much off time or the tent gets cold.. I've got some Devils Harvest "Fallen Angel", and their promotional "Golden Haze" once it warms up some.

The set up this moment is this..
Lighting: (1) HTG "432" w 7 band + (2) 105 6500k CFL (My Area 51 is still in transit and I have a 200w SolarFlare BloomBooster to add in flowering)

Once my bean pops I intend to transfer seedling into small jiffy pot with fertilized coir pith which has nutes listed as..

0.016% ammoniacal nitrogen
0.014% nitrate nitrogen
0.03% available phosphate
0.03% Soluble potash

I am then going to put the mini jiffy pot into a hempy style solo cup. I'm going to have the bottom layer course vermiculite with a coco coir topping. Once it hits the res and it begins to outgrow the solo cup I will transfer to a 3 gal black bucket which I will also do in a hempy style with coco coir.

I will be using AN Sensi and then connoisseur for flowering.

My water is RO I've got a decent hygrometer/temp station. I have a cheaper EC meter for ppm and am just using the drops for PH.

I have a couple pics showing my tent etc. But will have the A51 up next to the HTG when it comes then I will have to figure out how to have the CFLs on the side. The SolarFlare is crazy bright though and I can not wait to flower with that.

If anybody has any experience with any of the strains listed please let me know. And if I'm missing anything or listing anything that I shouldn't please please help. Thanks in advance!


Active Member
I purchased two 135w from them and I think they're doing very well, although I have no comparison. I thought their 4 foot led bars were a good idea too


Well-Known Member
I guess Area 51 had bought it for a test so I got that and their 51-60(smallest model) that they had used to take pictures with, for like $395(they were super cool and gave me a nice discount!) with free shipping. I was looking at the Black Dog but the folks at Area 51 were the superior business people. Only time will be able tell about results. Speaking of results, here's the updates!

The heating pad must have given off too much heat. Even on Low they must have essentially cooked. I was really looking forward to checking out those auto freebies but oh well, what can you do right? I decided to skip the rest of the freebies and just jump to the main event Devil's Harvest "Fallen Angel". I had put the "cooked" bean into the medium and until today had tried to keep some faith. So the 28th I dropped FA1 into small glass of distilled 6.0 water. Yesterday it hadn't sunk but had a very small tail so I put it in a towel and left it under a dark hat and dropped FA2 in the glass. Today FA1 had a nice size tail so I transferred into medium and put back under hat. FA2 was also floating but cracked so i transferred again into the damp paper towel. Once either one breaks soil I will put under lights but I should keep dark till then correct?

Thanks for reading, and if you see anything wrong or whatever please comment..


Active Member
Yup. Keep them in the dark until they poke themselves out. I've only heard good things about Area 51 and now they're having a sale so it's a good time to buy. I'm looking into them for future purchases


Active Member
this is my grow area using the htg's and some cfl's for supplemental. I have a cabinet where I keep the moms and on top the clones, clone for now, where they'll veg.IMG_1394.jpgIMG_1395.jpgIMG_1396.jpgIMG_1397.jpgIMG_1398.jpgIMG_1399.jpgIMG_1400.jpgIMG_1401.jpg


Active Member
Something I just found that might help you, since its your first grow, is to begin the flowering time when you begin to see the hairs where the buds will form, not when switching to 12/12. People say to start when it shows sex but sex can be shown in veg. Finding this out means my plants are going to need an extra week


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up rollitup? Here's the update and a few pics. My newbie mess up of the day was I brought FA1 out of dark too soon and she got a little dried out looking. I watered well and since the A51-60 came, I gave the HTG a rest and it's perked up a lot since the pic. I will update again tomorr or next day.

I left FA2 in the dark a little longer and I must say she is looking real nice under the A51. Got to run but I hope everybody has a safe weekend.

FA1 who has since straightened back up nicely IMG_0381.jpg
FA2 IMG_0380.jpg
Lights.. IMG_0384.jpg
Lights cont.. IMG_0385.jpg



Well-Known Member
After a lot of studying I've decided to run the lights 24/0 for seedling and vegetative stage. Along with the needed heat as I've stated above, the argument that made the most sense to me is that cannabis is a C3 plant so it can process as much light as you can give it basically. From what I see the plant will be shorter but very bushy and please correct me if I' m wrong but isn't that what we want with LEDs? When I dipped my head in this morning FA1 was kind of leaning towards the CFL I'm running so I watered both baby girls and then put FA1 directly in the center of the CFL and it perked right up.

I decided to lower the A51-60 over FA2 and also turned off one side. The temp dropped to 73 and humidity is pretty stable at 51%.

Here's a few pics, any comments or help is appreciated.

FA1 View attachment 2510632View attachment 2510635
FA2 View attachment 2510633View attachment 2510634

I'm thinking about maybe prepping the hempy cup Weds. Since all I'm doing is putting the Jiffy Pot in the same type of medium I think that should be fine.


Well-Known Member
They're not really cubes they're jiffy pots. I just noticed that on the pics now and I'll have to check it out later.

Anybody have any issues with jiffy pots molding? or spotting whatever?


Well-Known Member
Do your cubes have mold on them?

So what do you guys think? Should I transplant soon (next 24-36 hrs maybe?) and instead of my original plan of just plopping the jiffy pot in the coir and burying it, I will let it dry out some and kind of cut it off and get rid of the jiffy pots all together? Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I used jiffy pots on my first grow and I had mold too. I transplanted them and it was fine. Hopefully someone who has been growing longer replies.

Bumping Spheda

Well-Known Member
I'd add a capful of Hydrogen Peroxide to my next batch of water (roughly a capful per gallon, try not to overdo it). >>>Also, better air circulation should help get rid of the mold.<<< I've even heard Cinnamon can help specifically with White fuzzy mold on jiffy pucks, but never tried it.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Update: I've got las chicas transplanted a few days back. I think that "dust" on the Jiffy Pot wasn't much to worry about but I am not going to use them from now on because I think they lose some of their purpose when used with any type of hydro medium, even coir. I honestly think they probably did more harm than good for me so next time the germed seed is going straight into solo cups. I will get pics up tomorr but FA1 hasn't really had a lot of vertical growth but I can tell its good and healthy. FA2 has shown some good growth but I think the first true leaves might have had some nute burn even though FA1 showed no sign of stress at all. Aside from that little "burn" FA2 is really starting to thrive. I'm running the lights 24/0 so I'm anticipating that will help keep the heights down. I think FA2's roots might have hit that little Hempy reservoir so I'm expecting to keep seeing the growth. I can tell the months of research are paying off because I feel like I am pretty much able to handle most anything happening! Whenever I do have any problems I just holler at my good friend Google and it seems like 10+ people have already experienced and asked the same thing. I will cut it short here without any pictures and will have those up ASAP. Thanks for stopping by and may we all avoid the police!


Well-Known Member
Good job. Those party cups are a good idea. My surname used to be thebirds20 by the way. Changed it to my Xbox name. Good to see your grow is doing well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping back in tb20/Gmah.. I turned on the old CFL to take pics so I think pic quality is pretty true representation with what I'm dealing with. The new growth has been pretty light green but it's looking good. I have been using the last of some distilled water but will be switching over to RO. We had a weird ice rain around my parts so upon advice of my hippy old girl I got a few gals of some strained rain for feeding the next cpl weeks. Anybody have any advice for keeping rain water? Also, anybody with any knowledge of cal/mag def. and distilled/RO H2O? My tap is about 250 ppm but heavily chlorinated. My question is: would it benefit me any to mix in some tap water that I let sit out overnight? Thanks for reading!