1st time full grow, Thoughts and opinions? (in progress)


Ive posted in another thread but figured id post here in hopes of more ppls input :)
I tried growing b4 but got caught by fam and had to move em outdoors where they eventually died (cuz of winter) so i failed on that.. but this will be my first complete and secure grow on this beauty of a plant. i got er from bagseeds and she looked strongest so im going to keep updates on her and also get other peoples thoughts and opinions on possible strain/gender/etc has anyone ever seen a plant so bushy at only 27 days? *Gender Not Verified Yet* Ive topped once at 5th node so far and have been LSTing

11198692_965954320102085_2095062194_n.jpgThis is Day 3 since it sprouted
11128254_965954333435417_1328317555_n.jpg Day 7-9 (not exact)
11199008_965954340102083_434162985_n.jpg Day 12
11198758_965954316768752_193156808_n.jpg Day 15
11198991_965954400102077_1355971418_n.jpg 11178406_965954360102081_2076627960_n.jpg Day 19
11186197_966804316683752_968995936_n.jpg 11160483_966804330017084_1176954885_n.jpg Day 22
11216478_969446119752905_897893182_n.jpg 11198840_969446166419567_1811605924_n.jpg Day 27 (noticed some burned leaf tips and discoloration so i mixed in some dolomite lime to fix the PH and gave her her first feed at 1/4 strength) shes slowly perkin back up
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Well-Known Member
Yea that thing is pretty bushy. Hopefully it's a pretty little lady.
Good job with the tequniques used.

when you say you added lime, did you water with it? Or dress the top of the soil a bit?

I've got dolomite. Thought about leasing it dissolve and use it like a supplement before, but that might not even benefit anything lol.


Well-Known Member
She looks Great, IMO kind of looks like a Boss Hog that I have, looks just like mine do when there small little ladies. keep up the good work looking real good. :)


I actually crushed up 1 - 1.5 tbsp of it and spread it across the top and decorated the top with about the same 1 - 1.5 of uncrushed just so it wuld absorb quick but thered still be some on top to maintain it over time. i was told to go about 2-3 tbsp total so thats what i did. Shes perking back up tho i feel i may need to feed again but ill wait and see b4 i go dumping more than needed and end up hurting it worse :razz: thanks tho ill keep pics updated for all who are interested. i plan to top one more time so it has 4 colas then i plan to LST and Supercrop until im ready to put her in flower. trying to make her really bushy and about 3-4 feet tall :o im pretty patient also so vegging a bit longer doesnt really bother me.. i just love watching it grow :bigjoint:


I need a little help and advice here. i have 2 plants indoors and both are appearing to be male... i have plans for them and plans to bring some of my females inside and veg one inside

11225523_972922799405237_1449931058_n.jpg 11262247_972922796071904_1619843849_n.jpg .11117584_972922792738571_2140604121_n.jpg in my opinion and from researching the webs it seems to be male and id like to add peronally if i rub my finger lightly across some of these "sack" like things a lil green or white ball will fall out of it so im almost certain its a male pre-flower so b4 i go wasting any more of my time and money on this asshole ima ease it into flower just to be certain. but opinions wuld be greatly appreciated right now!


I was told not to rub the preflowers anymore ive done it to about 3 so far so i wont be touching it anymore what so ever!


hey get a pic of a newer top node try a second node down to find a nice spot for pre flowers can't clearly tell if its male or not.im fairly sure it is but could ya humor me here for a second.im baked as shit.


haha yea i can try and get you one within the next few days ima let it develop a little bit more so i can give you a lil more to see


Well-Known Member
marijuana-seeds-male-flower.jpg marijuana-seeds-female-flower.jpg Here is a Picture of a Male and Female I can't see enough of your Pictures to get a good look. so I sure hope his will help you out Good Luck male on left female on right


11215881_968058133217247_1437705344_n.jpg Yea this is the best i can get right now, those 2 pics help alot tho, Strongly resembles a male.. afraid my luck ran out on this one