1st time. gettin close to havest???

This is my first indoor grow (the time before was outdoor and was 1st try ever. It went well.) The strain is blue dream. They have been flowering under 400w air cooled hps for 46 days. Just wondering how much longer i should wait.

BD 46 days flower.jpgBD#1 Main Cola.jpgBD#2 Main Cola.jpg


Well-Known Member
looking real good, nice job..much better results than my first time..in my opinion you are close but not there quite yet..maybe 2 weeks..do you have a scope?


Active Member
mani gotta say they look like magazine style pics man the plants look fantastic and as corso mentioned my first grow was not quite as nice as urs by the looks of them i agree wiv corso again there close but 55 days is the ball park but there done went here done if ya no wat a mean, i was told wen all the hairs receed back into the bud then she is as good as ready but if u get a jewlers loupe of ebay for a couple of pound thenu can30 times in on that shit and see the colour of the trichs wen they start to go from milky to amber is wen its time but i waited ten weeks of flowering and they just stayed milky, it was white widow weather that anythink to do wiv it i am not sure but it wud be nice to see some amber trichomes coz then u no for sure that she is riping up just nice,, 60/40 or 50/50 change in colour is wat i was told is perfect,, good look and deffo happy smokin man, u av done a fab job m8, respect and +rep
Thank you for the responses. I got a little scope and see that some are clear, most are cloudy, no amber. 55 days looks about right. I'd like to thank everybody that contributes to these boards. This is my first time posting anything and my first indoor try. I learned so much and found everyones questions and journals very helpful.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
What strain is it? Looks fantastic!

Edit- LOL... Blue Dream, duh! Sorry, got distracted by the pics, didn't read!


Well-Known Member
Looking great, I love blue dream & it's a friends fav strain to grow. Just wait & it will transform for the better ! Very soon, if you are on day 45ish Wait 20 more days then post pix. !! I would be checking trichs starting next week, & keep us updated. Keep feeding them & you will be Very Happy two weeks from now.
These girls are getting chopped tommarrow. Trichs all cloudy, with a few amber. One branch broke under its own weight, so i harvested it. I let it dry for a few days and then quick dried half of it. After sampling some quick dry, i can not wait. Stuff is gonna be amazing. Will post up to date pictures later.


Well-Known Member
im in the same exact boat right now. mine are super close. well, 1 plant is. here is a pic. what you guys think. my 1st grow as well.