1st Time Ghetto Closet Grow


Active Member
Its an aero garden hood which is like 2 cfl's i think....a 24 inch flourescent with a hood and a 26 watt cfl...just started out wid the hood...maybe able to add another tube....no money...and its a seed I found on a friends table so....???probably schwagg stuff


Active Member
thats qhat I heard....I've heard that most generic wholesale weed that isn't really cream of the crop stuff, is poorly grown...if truly taken care of it can improve quite a bit--unless its just horrible--but this thing smells scrumptious


Active Member
yeah those look good....mine actually looked close to that in the beginning but one leaf would rise up to the light and eventually burn forcing me to raise the light....didn't want to try topping since its my first time growing anything really


Active Member
this shit looks wayy to stretched out it needs your big guy needs to be moved out of that red cup and trimmed, or tied down its growing to wild to keep the light on. (what im try'n to saY is its not getting as much light as it could be) also those red cups dont really tend to drain to well due to soil getting to moist i would just switch to a small pot if i were you.


Well-Known Member
OP's, sorry. he said the plants were in the closet w/ his clothes. he's definitely gonna have to invest in some fabreeze.


Well-Known Member
you must have a dope set up man cuz those pics i saw of yours at 4 weeks were crazy!! Im sure you use nutes and shit as well. Anyway, nice thread.

yeah check out my journal, got new pics almost everyday
looking at 4 colas on my main baby stella