1st time grow and what do i get..........


Well-Known Member
A bloody freakin male. What am i suppose to do? Just throw all 3 feet of it out or what. Man this is a bummer. I was hoping it be a hermie but i dunno. Is there anything i can do with the leafs?



Well-Known Member
garbage disposal, then lean in close your eyes and imagine a bag of good weed. Then start thinking about your next grow


Active Member
Honestly this one time I had a batch of 4 males about 4.5 feet tall avrg. (now thats bad luck) so anyway i dried the boy. and picked off all the leaves and smoked them. not off of all 4 plants mind you. But i've got to tell you i did feel something maybe it was physcological. bah who knows had fun. worst case scenerio make a shirt =D


Just some idiot
Honestly this one time I had a batch of 4 males about 4.5 feet tall avrg. (now thats bad luck) so anyway i dried the boy. and picked off all the leaves and smoked them. not off of all 4 plants mind you. But i've got to tell you i did feel something maybe it was physcological. bah who knows had fun. worst case scenerio make a shirt =D
It's also a great way to get a headache too....lol