1st Time Grow--Can't Diagnose :(


Active Member
Hey guys! It's my first time growing and first time posting ever! I've read on many of the different threads here and even almost decided to create a grow journal, but decided against it due to my laziness. I've read all over trying to figure out whats wrong with my baby, but I can't seem to find out what it is :(. If you guys could help figure out what's wrong with them I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

Pictures of my plants are attached. Some of the plant's leave stems are kinda purplish and the lower leaves seem to be getting pale, then yellowing, and then dying. If anyone can help me with this I would be grateful. Other information that you may need to note is that this girl is a week and a half into flowering. Thanks again!

IMG_0400.jpg IMG_0399.jpg IMG_0397.jpg IMG_0395.jpg IMG_0393.jpg IMG_0392.jpg IMG_0391.jpg


Well-Known Member
Overall pretty good, especially for a first grow. Your nutes are probably off a bit from what the plant needs. What have you fed so far?


Active Member
I've been transitioning it from veg nutes to bloom nutes since this is an auto flowering strain. So the most recent feeding I fed it with 1ml/gallon of dyna-gro foliage pro and then 1ml/gallon of dyna-gro bloom. It seems to me that the plant is hungry for more but I'm not too sure.


Active Member
Now that I've waited some time and added nutrients, I feel as though the plant is actually receiving to many nutes. Cause the plant seems to be getting worse even if I add nutes. So I'm assuming its really bad nute burn?


Well-Known Member
yeah you over did it. wash some water through soil, get some runoff. dynagrow is kind of hot stuff. you don't need much. and you probably should only use one bottle, not both at the same time. and don't use to them too often. hard to say, but don't be real eager to feed that stuff.


Well-Known Member
very dark green leaves and red stem, yellow leaves at the bottom
going to get some bad nute burn anless you really flush the soil, i would take the plants and put them under a shower and flush the soil for a few minutes each
you need to get all the roots washed with fresh water

don't water for a week and they will be fine, for the first two days the leaves may drop as the root mass will be soaked


Well-Known Member
I sure would not flush them, you don't even have clawed leaf tips yet. Maybe leach the soil a little if you are concerned.