1st time grow, few questions


Well-Known Member
ok well i wanna start growing like on a personal scale... just for me.. and a few frends, im looking at around 4 oz,
i smoke mostly every friday... more would be good but if i dont its all good
idk yet but if i do get a lot i might sell at school....
i want some semi dank shit.. that will get me pretty high,,
dont know if talking about this is allowed, but then again this site is all about illegal stuff.. lol
also, i would be using bagseeds i guess since i cant buy online.... unless someone wants to sell me some via pay pal? lol

i dont know where to start though.. what do i need??
i can only grow outside....
for OUTSIDE growing, can someone give me a really basic list of what i would need????
since i dont have my own job, my budget is around 50$, and thats pushing it...
and a lot of materials will not be available to me since i also dont drive etc...

this is where i plan on growing.. but im not sure if i will be able to grow there yet.. if not i will grow on those hills you can see on the background....

probably buy my own soill etc....
any feedback would be greatly appreciated... thanks guys/gals


Well-Known Member
hmm..... thanks for the reply

and would you encourage me to buy my own soil???
i would have to water it daily obviously though, right?
no "nutes" or anything
i dont even know what nutes are haha


Well-Known Member
if you really want to do it right, i would dig a big hole, put some fox farm soil in it. put the plant in there. nutes=nutrients. you need some grow and some bloom nutrients. it should rain at some point where you live right? no you dont have to water every day.


Well-Known Member
hey cap, thanks for your reply...

yeah we actually have rain comin in this whole week (possibly)
but itll be around 60-70 degrees

and .5' x 1' is not big enuff??? but like i said, im gonna take more pics of the soil and where ill be growing
so i can get better feedback
thanks guys


Well-Known Member
you dont have much cash huh...!!! well youll have to do with what you got....
you wanna check when the day lengths get shorter, so you know about when your plant will begin flowering...
you dont wanna spend money so your gonna have to go around looking for animal dung... maybe donkey or horse dung or sheep dung.. bat and bird guanos are the best super bloom ferts in my opinion but its much harder to find!!!!!!
you wanna dig the holes where you will be putting the plants nice and deep and fill it with your soil and the dungs you got but make sure not to pack the soil back too tight... its better to leave it loose and add more later when it settles down.........
now, there are many factors that come into play if you want amazing cannabis; but with no cash... its difficult!!! so you need to fertilize with whatever you can find thats free.... (the poo's) hehe
If you wanna maximize your harvest weight... and keep somewhat a stealth plant... (that isnt so obvious to people passing by and neighbours) your gonna wanna bend the plant real low... so as it makes an arch ... basically when its about 1 meter tall from the ground take to top tip of the plant and pull the plant down towards the ground making sure not to break the central stem (meristem) and if it bends all the way to to ground clip it down otherwise hold it in place with string or something similar ... and as time goes train it to be closer and closer to the ground... then yout plant will produce all its side branches to grow upwards and you will have many many many more budding sites.... and a nice big bush... thats not too tall.....
if you are gonna be watering with tap water TRY to find a way to bring its PH down to about 6-6.5 cause thats gonna allow the plant to absorb the right nutrients at the right times.... otherwise, collect rain water.. and that will do the job!!!!! seen as your growing in a garden/little field with other plants and herbs and bushes around.. be carefull for bugs.. (spider mites, white flies, etc) you might even wanna watch out for rats, mice and goffers around there hehehehe but make sure you have a visual idea of what spider mites look like when they attack your plant.... so that if you spot them you can treat it quick and efficiently.... a good cheap and natural way to do that.. is to simply get the heaviest tobacco you can find.. or just any tobacco and make a tea out of it... (nicotine tea) when you have pests and bugs... spray your plants down with this solution under the leaves and over.... and youll get rid of those little bastards!!!!! make sure you dont spray 3 weeks befor your harvest... and if you are gonna feed your plants fertlizer in the water (which i dàont think you wil because you have no cash) make sure to give it only clean water the last 3 weeks of the plants life so it get a nice and clean taste...
until then
Keep it green in love and LIGHT ONE UP!!!


Well-Known Member
lota info man
thanks a lot
but as i promised
ill try and get some pics of the mt where i might grow
later on

Dr. Chronic

Active Member
i'm guessin your young, are you livin with your parents or in college? cause outside's a little sketchwith parents.


Well-Known Member
yeah i live with my parents :[
sucks, i know
but ill have to get some pics tomorrow... i cudnt get a camera today! FUCK

Dr. Chronic

Active Member
i know your situation too, cause i live with mine as well. i'm doin mine in my closet, cause unless your parents are letting your grow, then your f'd in the a if they find out. if you have a walk in closet, that would be a good place, or just a closet period.


Well-Known Member
yeah, it sucks.. lol
but nahh i cant grow in my closet... i would HAVE to grow outdoors,
even if i grew inside stealthily, the smell would give it away...

my bad tho, i shuda gotten pics today
ill get sum tomorrow for sure


Well-Known Member
well im out man,, ill check back in later
good luck with your growing
and keep safe! :]