1st time grow - have I killed my girl?


Well-Known Member
Most people know that you dont water them everday. Thats considering you just have just a tad bit of knowledge about growing

So more than likely its underwatering. Basic gardening 101
damn...i didnt know know it was common practice to get scrutinized for asking a very relevant question...i am more knowledgeable then you think...i guess ill just find out from someone else...also most first time growers overwater, as opposed to under...which again just adds to the fact that " you can tell " isnt the right answer...again, thanks anyway...sorry to " bother " you.


New Member
Whatever dude. You asked a question and i answered. Dont be a lil bitch about it.

Dont seem to know to much as you cant tell the difference in watering but hey whatever. Hopefully your grows go good and best of luck


Well-Known Member
im not being a bitch...your being an ass...and my grows are doing well thank you...havent had a failed attempt yet. thanks to this forum.


New Member
I was just making a point. No intentions of trying to be a ass

Sorry you interpreted it that way. Much love and forgivness to you. Sorry gobskiii


Well-Known Member
the whole reason i asked the question was because i can bring up numerous photos of severely overwatered plants, and they look identical to this one. minus maybe the dry as hell soil...but i didnt know if there was a defining factor in appearence that gave it away. thanks again.


Well-Known Member
lol...ya...like any other noob on here i am just striving for perfection and appreciate any info. an experienced grower has to offer.
.... but i think where you may of caused yourself a few complications was planting in the same bucket..causes the roots to compete for space and water
Hi Hank. I don't follow you - "planting in the same bucket". I transplanted her out of a smartpot which was the one gallon size, and into a 5 gallon bucket. I removed her from the smartpot, losing as little of her dirtball as possible (and did a swell job actually) and sat her on top of new dirt, and then filled in around the sides. The new soil was still moist from the bag, but the root/dirtball was bone dry. I didn't stop to think that the roots were NOT going to be able to reach the moisture just inches below - at least not enough to sustain her until her next watering.

To reply to some of the comments regarding a watering schedule, I don't really have one. This is the first time I screwed up because of that. I've just been sticking my finger into the soil and when it feels completely dried out I water. It's been working well, but this transplant blooper was the exception. I have almost NO CLUE wtf I'm doing and don't pretend to. I have no experience with plants of ANY kind so, any help I get is always sincerely appreciated. What I've been doing is reading Jorge's MJ's Grow Basics at each step, and while it is good I still am scratching my head most of the time.

I also rearranged the girls to where MeHi is closer beneath the MH, and the other three are at the same level directly beneath the LED and also getting some MH on the sides and some of the tops - and I'lll rotate them each night as I have been. I was on a 24/7 light schedule the first 3 weeks but went to a 18/6 because I read there was some benefits to that (now forgot what they were) but if they aren't getting enough light, should I move them back into a 24/7? I also moved the CFL's to more strategic (still mid-level) locations to shed as much as possible on the leaves within the canopy. I'm also tying them down to try to keep them bushy, but MeHi's are fast growers anyway. Outside they can hit up to 15' unrestricted.

I read, and re-read the clone section before doing that, and they died within 3 days lol. Now I don't know if I want to try and take some more clones or just foirget cloning altogether until my next grow. It's not a big issue to me though, I just want to get some bud from these girls to make some oil. If I can succeed at that this first time without killing them first, I'll be stoked.

I'm still reading older threads and the knowledge is coming slowly, but I still haven't hit that bell curve where it all starts coming together in a short period of time. Not that anyone ever "arrives" or finally "knows it all" with growing knowledge because that never happens. The body of knowledge is growing at an exponential rate even still, but I figure there comes a point where one at least gets a grasp on the basics and that's the milestone I'm trying to achieve right now so I can grow from there. Maybe my knowledge will grow faster if I drink some of those nuts myself. :shock:

As always thanks much for all the great help. :peace:

I thought this thread was done for a while but my leaves are "doing things". I'll just post the pics and hopefully you experienced growers can see what's going on. I know you will have questions but I want to hear them before I try to offer what I think might be the necessary information.

I'm using well water most of the time (sometimes we buy distilled for the plants). The light appears pink because . . . . . re-read the thread you should know why brother . . . . . but to give you the quick answer that's the shine of the LED which is mostly red and some blue. I'm trying to give every spectrum within my budget. The MH is enough for veg so I am told, but I'm just adding more with the LED and CFL's.

So what do you thnk could be causing this leaf stuff?
Any clue anyone? Do the leaves tell us anything?

Maybe I need to show some close-ups, but the ends look burnt and some of them have brown spots. I haven't been giving them too much nuts based on my understanding of how much they should get.