1st time grow HELLP PLZ!!!!!


Active Member
If your top leaves are droopy, either your HPS is too close and the plant is getting too hot, or else, the plant is just adjusting to the new light and new growth should look normal in a few days.


Active Member
like I said before, blame your lights. You don't have enough lumens for veg, like that dude said thats why there growing crappy. you get what you put into it, what's the kelvin of your cfl? How many cfl's in veg.

and yah you can veg with a HPS, and I can problly drive a car with my eyes closed. doesn't mean it's a good idea. :))
And once again, I will stress, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using HPS for Veg. If you don't have experience, don't shed false information. If you do and had bad experiences, then you had other issues.

People say that using HPS will cause your plant to stretch more than when using a MH bulb. I call BS on that as well. I have pictures that shows very close internode spacing using HPS during veg. I grow bushes/trees using nothing but HPS.


Well-Known Member
And once again, I will stress, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using HPS for Veg. If you don't have experience, don't shed false information. If you do and had bad experiences, then you had other issues.

People say that using HPS will cause your plant to stretch more than when using a MH bulb. I call BS on that as well. I have pictures that shows very close internode spacing using HPS during veg. I grow bushes/trees using nothing but HPS.
Dude you need to get your head out your ass and read the posts... My post was in response to what I knew that dude doesn't have enough light in veg. Dude said he's using (2) 11 watt cfl's in veg. Like I said not enough light. Not even talking about your stupid HPS's


ok and how do you explain the droopy ass leaves but only the top ones r droopy
Were they droopy before using your HPS? If not I would guess the light caused. Overwatering? Or just a hard time of it for lack of light. Super cropping could help with height issues if your girl is healthy enough to do this to. Mo Light is probably the answer...