1st Time Grow Northern Lights (Vision) 8 pot wilma


Ok so i just also added 2x 90w UFO LED lights as a supplement to the 600w HPS. here is a pic as from this morning:



Well-Known Member
When you plannin on flipping to 12/12?

They look about 12 inches now yeah?

Keep em green ur doing great. Worry is good, keeps you always trying to improve what ur doing, over loving can get you in trouble. They look great. Just keep doing what ur doing, and small changes. I have made my fair share of mistakes in my short time growing and it was almost always because I made major changes thinking I knew best :)

if you can get a cheapo fan and point it directly at your light you might get your temps down a bit, growing in the summer has its challenges :) my cabs at 29 with the doors open while the lights are on, it sucks huge :(


Thanks Mr. Head, I'm going to switch to 12/12 this Wednesday. As for the temp, think I will get an inlet fan for the next grow to help with this as recommended by a nice chap on this site called reddiamond. I need to buy a bunch of kit for the next grow as it is anyway as I would like 2 tents so I can keep a constant flow all year :weed:


Well-Known Member
I'm about to chop my NL on wednesday (if the trichomes are right but I think they will be) :) what a coincidence :)

This hobby is expensive, and just when you think you got your space all dialed in something else shows up you could spend lots of money on :) I've spent probably close to as much on fans as I have lights.

Mine has taken a little longer to finish then I would have liked for a strain they said was 55 days, like I said I didn't write down the start date but I feel like I have ran a couple extra weeks, I could be wrong. I will find out next run after reveg. Really can't complain about it though, the yield is the best I've seen so far in my limited experience. I expect 2.5 oz. from this 12/12 from seed NL, super stoked to see what yours do with some veg. time.


Well-Known Member
Bad news, bud rot lost a little under half of my main cola to the black nasty fuzz. Make sure you keep your humidity down and check the big nugs daily near the end. What wasn't effected was chopped last night in hopes it doesn't spread anywhere else in the room. I'll run this strain again as I have more seeds but won't be doing it without topping to spread out the weight a bit.


Shit dude not good :( sorry to hear that. Put mine 12/12 as of 10 pm last night and they really seem to like it, I also added some canazym to the res to perk them up a bit :). My humidity has gone up to 50% from 40% so not sure quite what has gone on there, will try and bring it down a bit. As for being an expensive hobby you're not wrong, I'm spending an extra £25 a week on electric plus for the next grow I want another tent on the go so I can have a constant flow of weed :) even want a light mover if I can, I hear they make a massive difference. But back to this grow I honestly didn't think my girls would get this far so I now have to research how to harvest, dry and cure my crop lol. Any way I hope you have seen the last of that nasty rot dude.


20130803_121711.jpg20130803_121720.jpgThey're getting big now, they have been 12/12 since 31st Aug and they are really getting bushy now


Hi guys,

Need some advice if anyone can chime in it would be great.

The problem is that my girls are getting big (kinda good though) and some of the branches are getting heavy and starting to droop down with the weight. So the advice I need is what do I do? Do I tie them up some how? It becomes a little harder because they need to be moved every 10 day because of res changes. So I was thinking of a garden cane in each one and fishing line to tie them up...... but I could be way off so please chime in if you have any better ideas please guys... Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Lots of people use stakes and they work well. I would use something thick like a cotton string rather then fishing line when the plants grow the line can cut into the stalk and cause issues.


Cheers dude, put a load in and took your advice and am using string :) these girls grow fast lol one grew a little too close to the light and burnt the top of the main cola..... so gonna keep an eye on it, but think it will bounce back :)

Thanks again dude


Ok so they are into flower and there are little baby buds all over, it's amazing :). Seems the humidity is going up to 65% at night which is high but I have no idea on how to lower this. It really is incredible as my res needs topping up daily with up to 5 liters.... they must be thirsty lol. They are now 3ft 4 ish inches and growing bigger all the time. I went and got a pocket microscope the other day so when that time comes I can see when its right for harvest. Here is a pic as you can see some of the branches are touching the side of the tent making it hard to work in there, but I'm really happy with their progress :)


Well-Known Member
Looking great man, those are gonna fill in nicely for you. A dehumidifier is about the only thing you can do short of leaving your grow area open to lower humidity.

I'd look into a passive dehumidifier, they make ones that require some sort of basin and collection system, they are supposed to work OK for small spaces and don't require you to plug them in. I haven't used them yet, but for $20 it may be worth a try.

As for the hitting the light, I wouldn't be to worried about that, I ran CFLs for my first grow and a half and ran some super stretchy AK's they hit the lights literally daily for the stretch period, and I still got like 1.5 oz a piece off like 250 watts in cfls. They recover quite quickly. I mainly dealt with the leaves hitting though and not the bud sites so much.

Now for the smoke quality, I wouldn't give this stuff anywhere over a 6-7.2 (on a 1-10 scale), it's not bad, it tastes nice, but it's def not the super chron. I smoke 2 bowls in my bong and Im in a good spot.

Enjoy your grow you are at the best part :)


Thanks Mr head, I have gone out and got a few passive dehumidifiers as you suggested so I will try them out tonight, should bring it down a bit I'm sure :) As for the one that got burnt it seems to have split into two colas now, not sure if this is normal but it seems to be bouncing back well so not too worried. I really am loving growing, it's awesome.

The only thing that is scaring the shit out of me now is when to harvest lol, I really didn't know if I would get this far and now I'm not sure. I have seen some say that you should harvest when most of the resin glands turn cloudy and a few start to turn amber. And then there is the drying and curing process lol. I don't want to have gone through the whole process to bugger it up at the end can you or anyone else give some good advice on when to harvest and also how to best dry and cure the crop?

Thanks dude :)


Well-Known Member
Harvesting has a lot to do with personal preference, there are a few good threads in the harvesting/curing section that go into better detail, but when trichomes are milky they are at their peak THC content I believe, and as they turn amber they start to break down into CBD's or other chemicals.

So if you are looking for a couchlocking night time smoke more amber is good, if you don't want that I would pick when I start to see them (ambers) coming.

Don't let it freak you out, there is no harm in taking 1 down trimming it hanging it to dry then taking others at different intervals to see what you like personally. They will all get you high as long as you get them to maturity :)

As for jarring and stuff, if you let your buds dry right before you jar them and burp when you need to there won't be an issue. Simon has a really good post here about curing, you should definitely read it, he also gets into using humidity monitors if you want that perfect cure, or if you are afraid of ruining your crop. I have followed this since I started and have never had a single problem once the weed hits the jars.


Definitely something every new grower should read.


Thanks dude, just ordered some hygrometers of ebay a while ago so hope to follow this :) Yeah it just gets a little nerve racking when you hit a new stage for the first time. Like when I switched to 12/12 I was shitting it lol. Should turn out ok though, you and the other guys on here always steer me in the right direction :) I took some pics through my pocket scope today, I have tiny little crystals all over :)


Also the passive dehumidifiers did nothing so I will be ordering a decent one today lol its ok during the day around 38% but up to 60% overnight. So really need to order a good one :)


Ok I have now added a small dehumidifier to the mix and I hope that this can bring down the humidity at night. The girls ar looking good all have some impressive bud on them but they are all at different stages so the harvest will be interesting as some will be ready before the others. Looking forward to it and worried at the same time.