1st Time Grow Northern Lights (Vision) 8 pot wilma


Hey fgm...... I'm a total noob so personally cant be much help to you but I'm sure some of the guys on here will help. They have helped me loads. Might be an idea to start a new thread so it catches more eyes as this is just a grow journal dude :) hope you get it sorted.


Sorry dude yeah, been swamped with studying it's just assignment after assignment at the mo but it will be worth it in the end :) Some of my girls are aiming for 4 foot lol here are some pics of them and also a pic of the drying tent I'm setting up.


The one that burnt it's head has split into two colas now lol it's great loving how they are all so different.


Well-Known Member
Very Nice man, You're kicking ass for your first time. Way better then mine with way more plants :) I'm sure you're going to have some kick ass smoke.

Drying racks like that work awesome, I'm a cheapo I just use a laundry bag made of a similar material, same results though. Nicely dried buds. What I do is hang my buds on the stems until the outside feels crispy, not dry, more like the external moisture has evaporated but the buds are still really spongy and obviously filled with moisture, then I take them off the stems(usually 4 day from chop in my environment) and jar overnight usually. When the buds come out the surfaces will be re-hydrated and moist. I then set them on the drying rack nice and gently, honestly I usually dumb the jar over the rack and spread them out super gently. This method seems to A) not let the buds dry out to fast B) avoids some of the "Squaring off" of the buds on the drying rack. When I was putting fresh buds right on the material surface I was ending up with squared off buds, if you know what I mean I don't have a picture of one there was nothing wrong with it obviously but aesthetically wasn't the nicest looking, I could have built a nugcabin with the AK's buds from my first attempt using this rack :). Just something to think about.

Also make sure you rotate the buds once a day on that rack. I haven't and everything was fine, but safety first ;) I woke up before my alarm went off wondering if I was going to open my drying cabinet to a bad site :confused:

With the cola splitting you're basically seeing what happens when you top a plant, the lower sites under the damaged area take over and start becoming the dominant shoots. You're going to end up with a neat looking "devil horned" bud if that thing doesn't fill in between :)

Check out their Big Bud sometime. This one Pheno, it was more sativa of the 2 BB plants, is pretty good. Gets me rambling on this forum all the time (this post is prime example) :). Though I imagine you're going to have 1 or 2 in there that shine above the rest as well :)


Funny you should say about square buds as I already have some before I even harvest lol, a few of them have to rest on the side of the tent and are flat on one side now lol. Yeah things seem to be going ok just need to time my harvest right. Don't wanna fuck up all my hard work, that would make me quit I think lol.

I was thinking about some big bud next actually lol cause I'm looking at my girls and I'm not sure I'm gonna yield that much.

As for one or two shining, yeah there are 3 that are massive and I have one that I think has lost the fight, it's still only about 2 foot and a bit twisted :( but all the others are healthy.

I have one issue at the moment ant that is the sugar leaves are drying out at the tips...... Is this normal. Just worried that damage that close to the bud could promote mold. Also the other issue is the smell lol..... It's awesome, but think if it gets worse my neighbours might have an idea what I'm doing lol. Spent allot on a decent carbon filter but it really don't catch it all lol

20130903_095423.jpg20130903_095428.jpg20130903_095437.jpg20130903_095442.jpg20130903_095452.jpg20130903_095500.jpg A few pics without the HPS lamp on :)


Well-Known Member
I'd head over to the plant problems forum and see if they can help you get the sugar leaf issue fixed, I would be concerned about mold as well after what I just lost :) I'm not 100% sure but I think you are starting to get the signs of a deficiency, those guys will point you in the right direction. Guys in the hydro section would be a good place to go too.

You still got some swell time left on these it looks like you're gonna end up some with MASSIVE colas :)

Are you pushing air through the carbon filter? Or pulling air through it, what I mean is <fan<duct<Carbonfilter OR >Fan>Duct>Carbonfilter? *< / > being the air flow direction. You want to be pulling air through the filter (the first one). You said you were having humidity issues, I know this can damage a filter, no idea how fast or to what extent but I'd look into it. I don't think that will be your issue, probably just some super stinky plants :)

Either way loads of growers swear by Ona gel and buckets (Whether the buckets be home made or store bought) the stuff seems to work well and most seem to use it as supplemental smell protection with a filter. I've read some people don't like putting it in there tent because the gel has it's own smell, but it works just as well outside the tent I imagine. Would take care of your smoking smell too if you smoke in that area of the house.

I started the big bud and NL at the same time and ended up with maybe a few G's more on the Big Bud. But the smoke was better IMO.


Yeah I'm gonna have a go at a big bud next I think :) will look into the ona gel dude thanks for the tip :) My filter started in the tent but had some issues so it is now out side the tent so it goes the wrong way to how it should be. Think I'll get another for the next grow and make sure to do it the other way round.

Here is a pic of my problem, I just posted a thread so hope I get some help lol, all the guys on here are very helpful yourself included my friend :)

View attachment 2804385View attachment 2804386


Hey Mr Head, how exactly do I dish out reputation points on this site?
Need to give quite allot of you guys some rep :)


Here is a pic of one of the buds..... Do you think it's almost ready for the chop..? Not sure and the pic isn't the best as it is a bit more orange.

Also have a bit of a problem with the leaves looks like Nitrogen deficiency..... but I am no expert.



Well-Known Member
I'd say another 2 weeks or so. Maybe 3 probably 2, still a lot of white pistils on there. I bet that sucker fattens up huge in the next two weeks too if she hasn't started already, have you noticed new calyx clusters bulging out? :) Those nugs should round out a bit at the tops and start throwing on weight. This is a huge indicator to me that my plants are getting close to harvest. The final few weeks the weight just explodes. When I notice this fattening up start to slow a bit is when I start to check my plants with the x40-60x loop I have. Most of my buds rounded out, but the main cola got irregular chunkie, little nug chunkies bulging out of it everywhere. Still super pissed I had to flush like a 1/2 oz. :)


From what I see on there. It could be a couple of things, I am no expert keep in mind, but it appears to me to look similar to the picture of Molybdenum diff (This would be my best guess). Or perhaps a Zinc issue. I'd still bring this to the plant problems area and see what someone who knows something about Hydro has to say, cause Im clueless :)

I'm actually at the stage right now on my flowering plants where they are just starting to chunk up, I can try and get some pics and throw them up so you can see what I mean. Let know, I don't want to pollute your grow thread with my pictures if you don't want me to :) I got 2 AK clones, I can post the picture of my rotted northern Lights too so you can see what to look for as far as bud rot goes if you'd like.


FUUUUUCK...........!!!!! mold :( white shitty mold :( This is not good, obviously I didn't get the humidity down low enough.

I hear Horsetail tea is good to treat it with..... any truth in that guys also how do I use it (I'm guessing spray it on moldy bits lol)

thanks guys :)


Just had a quick look at how much I lost and it was 1.5 oz well guess I need a better dehumidifier for my next run lol


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that bro, shit sucks.

Next seed order look into genetics that are mold resistant, obviously this Norther Lights is pretty susceptible if we both have had issues with it. This AK I am running now seems awesome and very mold resistant I've ran probably 3 cycles of it now, and other then a bit of nutrient issues of my own causing it's been great. Pure AK - Female seeds. Good smoke good yield, stinky. The pheno I have now is way less stinky then others I have run, I had to get a carbon filter cause I could smell it outside my house.

I haven't grown a tonne of plants or anything, but I have grown a few and the only one I have ever had a harvest related issues (I.E. Bugs, rot, mold) is that damn NL. You got the white stuff? I got the nasty dark black fuzzy shit. Made the cola look like it was purpling at first, nope it was death approaching :(

I'll be trying to dig a bit deeper into a plants genetics before I decided to run it in the summer months again though, losing hard earned plant matter sucks huge.
