1st Time Grow, Not Looking So Good

I dont feel too confident about these plants, so i was wondering....if it is no good is there any way i can extract THC from the buds so i can make butter or oil?



Well-Known Member
i know it can be done with salvia but im not sure about thc things degrade it and in order to extract youll have to use a solution so i dont know ide let the plants finish and rippen up cant hurt if your solve is to chop and try to extract


Well-Known Member
besides drying the bud unlocks the thc so i dont even know if its possible on that angle so i wouldn't even try they look healthy and theres really no way to get stoned but to finish properly


Looks ok to me babe. Doesnt look ready yet though... Prob another month or so, so hold on to your Snippers jus now.
How about trying a bit ov PK13/14 to supply some Flowering nutriments, this might bulk the buds up a bit before they get the chop.
Dont forget to flush the plants for a few days just befor you do crop them, and once the stems break with a snap then pack the buds loosely into glass jars. After a few days "burp" the jars ( open the lid for a few hours and then seal it once again). Do this every 2 or 3 days until compleatly dry. This makes the buds taste really fine and is the difference between "Wicked stuff" and the run-ov-the-mill stuff...
Good luck babes.
Keep da Faith.:peace:
No its not up side down, just trying to take a close up.

Thanks for the tips. Im just worried about the way they will dry out.
I cut off some of the buds at the bottom of plant which hardly get much light so i can practice drying, but they seem to dry out and become crispy. NOT COOL. I think i might ruin my buds, so if i do, i just want to be able to smoke it or bake it....

