1st time grow - outdoors


whats good guys, i think i got a pretty good handle on growin, but id still like some advice from the pros. My op is gona b outside after germination. its a isolated clearing that gets lots of sunlight from about 730, or 8 am to about 6 pm. its in in New Jerz and my buddies r all getin strted now so i figured i would too. I just finshed germinating using the paper towl method. right now i got 5 party cups with 1 seed each. i gona keep the babies outside from 7 am to 3 pm , i gona keep them damp, but not soaked. im just usin some Miracle Gro -Organic control, it was in my basement. its about 60 degress right now, im hopin to transplant this weekend since its suppose to be 80 - 85. and thats pretty much it for now. im i doin everything right so far? my buddy whos growin with me says we should b keeping the cups inside all day till we make the trip to the clearing to transplant to the permanet soil . Il be transplating in 3 reg plant pots that are like 3 or 4 gallons. 2 big pans, ahd a big bucket


come on guys i rlky need the advice. i forgot to say that i got Miracle Grow - Organic Compound, alot of people tell me its good for growin. Now once the seeds are in party cups with the MG, with holes fotr drainage. What should i feed em? or do they just need a good mix of water, sunlight and darkness? im also on a really tight budget, 30 - 40 bucks at the most. Lost my job n shit. so yea, is everything i got planned any good? or am i miles away?


Well-Known Member
Your on the right track. You won't have to give them any nutrience for a while or you will burn your tender babies.And i guess MG organic is fine to grow in, not the best, but it will defly get the job done.


alright awesome! how often should i go and water? i was gona go every every other day, so i can go water em 4x a week. so if i water them sunday, i wont go water them untill tuesday. and how much water do they need? the same amount has the cup their in or less?


Active Member
Start with a quality soil and don't use nutes until your in veg stage, look for the 1st 5 bladed leaf (that veg stage). Since you shouldn't use nutes until veg you plants rely on the soil for their nutrients...qulaity counts. I've done successful MG grows but I've moved on to Fox Farm and recommend it. Your gonna get alot of sun and that's excellent; bring seedlings in at night if you can, temps on the upper east coast aren't where they need to be at night yet. At first you will probably be watering every other to every third day in small amounts because the plants are little, maybe 1 -2 cups per plant. The amount of the cup their in is a good place to start. After about 3 weeks or so in veg you work up to more water more often. By the time you move to flow stage it will need water daily. I've typically had plants taking up to 1/3 or 1/2 gallon a day....on the east coast outdoors. Ultimately you will have to learn your plants to develop a water cycle, it will come. Another thought is that if your geting that much sun in an open field where it's likely to be breezy, you'll need to water pretty often.

I hope this helps.


ok, so absolutely no nutrients untill i see the first 5 bladed leaf. I suppose when i see that first leaf it will be time to move the babies from the party cups to the bigger pots. and i have no idea how much nutrients i start with, ill be using the MG Bloom booster for my nutrients. do i make it half water half nutrients? or 2/3 water and 1/3 nutrients? Id like to get by with the least amount of nutrients possiable, but not if it means sacrificing my yield. if i have to i can always borrow a few more bucks. because i only got 35$ and i dont know how much the MG Bloom booster costs or what sizes it comes in. And will they need the nutrients everytime i water them? i kno i sound like im demanding answers, but im a quick learner and once i get decent at growing ill be spreading the marijuana way to has many as i can. Ill be sure to get some pics up by monday


Well-Known Member
use about 1/2 of what the MG bottle said and you will be better off using a more nitrogen enriched nutrient. MG bloom is more for during the flowering cycle cause of the high amounts of phosphorous and potasium.


reccomendations for nutes any1? I been lookin it up and i think im gona just use Grandmas Unsulfured Molasses, i want some Jacks Classic too, but the only nursey in my area didnt have it. So for now it'll be lots of water with Grandmas Unsulfured Molasses for the Veg period, and MG Bloom Booster for flowering. Unless you guys got any better ideas? Remember im on a super tight budget


Well-Known Member
Hey man, this is my first serious grow too. I started inside about 3 weeks ago and will be moving them out to their permanent home within the next week. I bought a quart of Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow formula for like $20 off ebay. They also have a bloom formula which I'm probably gonna get when the time comes. I'm using miracle grow soil since it's all I have access to around here, but I'd stay away from their fertilizers. They seem too strong. I plan on starting to feed after I move them outside at about 1/2 strength. Like the man said, commercial soils have enough nutes already in them to get you through the first 3-4 weeks. Over feeding and feeding too often is a common newbie problem, so hold for about a month.


yea looks like we're in the same foxhole, even if i had $$$, i dont have any sellers for the supplys. theres another nursey a few towns over from me, but i havent gone done there yet


Active Member
Molasses is for your last 2-3 weeks of flowering, never heard of it used in veg. When it's time for it, dillute 1-2 tbs into a gal of water. Use several ounces of HoT water to dissolve the molasses quickly and completely, then add it to cool water in your gal container. This results in a tepid water temperaturr perfect for watering.

Fox Farm is who I recommend. I've used MG Singles in past veg stages and it's budget friendly, about $10. Start Nutes at 1/4 strenght and feed with every other watering. After 2 or 3 doses at 1/4 strenght move up to 1/2 strenght and stay there. Never feed at more than 1/2 strenght...especially with MG


oo, ok. no 1 ever told me that Grandmas was for flowering, lol glad you told me before i went out and brought. So ill run out and grab a thing of MG Singles. Thx man, stay tuned for pics! i just gota get my hands on a camera


hey my buddy just called me and said he has 2 big bags of Earthgro topsoil, would i be better off using this instead of MG?


Well-Known Member
hey my buddy just called me and said he has 2 big bags of Earthgro topsoil, would i be better off using this instead of MG?
I wouldn't. My mom actually bought some of that for her tomatoes and I can tell you it's garbage. For one, it's WAY to heavy and practically turns to mud when you add water. Second, it is full of weeds or something. She was using it inside to start her tomato plants and after a few days some kind of weeds or something started sprouting up with it. I'd stay away from that stuff.

I know this sounds crazy, but I actually sifted through my MG potting mix and picked out as many as those little yellow time released nutrient pellets as I could. If you look at it closely enough you'll see them. They are about the size of a BB.


hey guys u kno wat, ive been thinking about really hard and, now that i realize it, i dont have enough soil for the bigger containers, and im not 100% sure i wana use this Earthgro stuff now i dont need weeds fukin up my weed. so i might just dig out 5 holes put some MG in each one and let nature help with my budget. Besides i got all this open space in a secluded area, let the ladies grow big!! i only got 5 seeds and i wont kno for another 2-3 weeks how many females i got.. Mitus well grow out the few i got. Any1 else think this is a good idea?? i mean i will probably need alot more water once i get into a cycle, but once im happy with their size i can just start given them less amounts.