1st Time Grow….What should I grow?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the advice and feedback everyone. Is the Strawberry Cough an easy grow?…I would like to go with that since I have the most seeds, but if I should gain experience first then I think I'll run the MK Ultra & The Bubblegum….then maybe try a Strawberry and stick with MK Ultra or Bubblegum, then if the Strawberry works well, maybe the Blue Rhino….decisions, decisions lol….I'm unsure which strain I'm most excited about, I've never had Strawberry Cough, Bubblegum, MK Ultra or Blue Rhino….Blueberry is my favorite out of what I've smoked….Usually I have different Haze varieties & sometimes OG Kush's…..I prefer Haze's to Kush's….but I still enjoy both….but I would take the best Haze I could find over the best Kush I could find….that's just me though, most people disagree with me on that….Blueberry I would take over both though….Strawberry, Bubblegum, and Cotton Candy are all flavors I'm excited to try….although I heard Cotton Candy doesn't taste like cotton candy, that it just looks like cotton candy structured bugs


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Staff member
I'm growing for personal use.

Sativa or Indica doesn't matter to me, I enjoy both….I love great tasting weed, that is also potent.

I'm gonna grow 2 plants, definitely starting with 1 Strawberry Cough, being that's what I have the most seeds of….just unsure what I should grow along side it
I'd try 2 Strawberry Cough. I'm currently on a strain hunt and I have onesies and twosies of everything and it's a bit of a scamper (different nutrients likes/dislikes and canopy control), so I'd stick with one strain to begin :) or two if you have some extra time and like confusion LOL!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The Blue cheese is a good choice.
Easy to grow and can have a 25+ % thc if done right (I get an average content of around 24%). A long time patient favorite.
Run it at least a week longer then listed for max growth/strength.