1st time grow!


Active Member
This is my first grow and i havn't yet purchased any lights but im using sunlight
from about 8am til 3pm 3 -4 days a week
i added the pringle tub for a rough size estimate,the leaves on top are not yellow it was just the flash,im am concerned about the stem thickness they seem really slim i was considering getting tomato bags for them..i want to plant them outside idealy but am scared they will die
thanks in advance
here are some pictures please post advice on what to do wether to leave them in the sun or get lights...


I believe they are orange bud or a cross of orange bud thanks


Well-Known Member
Your plants look pretty healthy to me, is the sunlight the only light they get or do you have them lit when they aren't in sunlight as well? Because if you're only getting 8hrs sunlight a day I would say you're getting pretty good results. The only problem I see with this is that you may have trouble with your bud cycle. If you're thinking about using CFLs like me, the more light the better. The bulbs I'm using don't get hot and it's well ventilated so I have the bulbs only inches from the plant itself. And it's easy to control your hours of light/dark, which will help you start your buds when you want to :)
Bro you need to transplant those. I would say either transplant and veg a little more under lights or put them in big hole now. Dont overwater...other than that they look aight. They will blow up if they are transplanted tho...the roots need to get out!!!

Ohhh yea they are acclimated to being outside right, you put them in and out so they get used to being outside gradually



Active Member
thanks for the advice sometimes we have harsh weather "terrential rain" and wind so i think i may make a grow box simlar to fractus but a little bigger i
only used regular compost and i have had a good result so far! do u think i could take a clone of each of them?
yea man a little box would be nice. I would wait on cloneing let that girls fill out and get acclimated then you could take 3-7 that will make it. instead of one that will prolly die...
Ohh yea i didnt see fractus grow box but make it so you can cover and uncover it if a storm comes...that would make it so easy, i might build one now


Well-Known Member
Yeah since it's somewhat accustomed to the sunlight, I don't know if CFL's will work as great because real sunlight is pretty good sh*t. Switching to artificial light might slow them down if anything. I think your best bet would be to think of a way to have them safely outdoors, maybe under some form of transparent tent?


Active Member
Hmm i shall move into a bigger pot maybe double the size...And continue to use sunlight while i build a box
i live in ireland so the weather isint that good