1st time grower, advice needed. pics and desription


Active Member
Hi rollitup,
I've been lurking around for awhile just watching and learning.........but now i'm ready to step out there and put my two cents in and get some advice. This is my first grow............i'm a real estate developer and i promote concerts and stuff.. anyway i got so tired of dealing with dealers and being on they're time that i vowed to never go to one again.. so i had to start growing myself.... well i ordered thousands of dollars worth of seeds and equitment. i live in an apartrment...my landlord is cool, he never comes in my apt. and so are my neighbors, they grow a little too, although they don't know i grow or even smoke. after my first 20 seeds died from overwatering i started 40 more and they seem to be growing ok except for my mistake 2-3 days ago when i had to leave and the temp was up to 96 degrees for hours. when i came back they had visible heat stress,leaves curled and all,just no burn. ok so i'm gonna show you my setup and any advice is very much appreciated. all my seeds so far have been lowryder, adn while they are growing they don't seem to be thriving.
this is what my setup consists of inside a bedroom........when i turn on the boost buckets i close the tent up all the way and keep the fan on so no air comes in and none out. i do this 3 time a day until it gets high temps. otherwise the tent is open and there is a box fan in the rooms window. i want to close the tent up cause they are just begining to smell. so i will also be closing the window and taking the fan out probably.all these seeds popped on oct 7th and 8th. they were kept in a humid dome for 2 weeks and now have been in they're systems forabout a week. and while they are growing they aren't thriving. they also aren't showing any preflowers.they are the joint doctors dwarf mix......my girl is starting to say things like "you couldve bought a pound instead of all this stuff and we would be smoking.blah.blah...blah... now you don't even know if this will work.......blah........blah...blah........so u see my problem....... i'm starting to question myself too. anybody have any suggestions? especially on intake and exaughst. i started with the light at the top of the grow rooms ceiling and i move it closer everyday or so it's still about 1-2 feet away right now.....eventually i hope to get it inches away i just didnt want to shock the plants cause i used leds and a cfl for the first two weeks...

1- 6x6x6 grow tent
1- 1000w hps with cooltube
1- ocsillating fan
2- co2 boost
1- standalone activated carbon filter with self contained fan(not in use)
2- 10 pot drip irrigation systems
4- 6 pot dwc systems
1- ozone generator
1 - humidifier (not in use)
8- 15w leds(not all in use) 2 blue, 2 red, 4 red and blue
1-45 watt led
1- ph meter
1- ppm meter
unlimited- rockwool
1 - humidifier (not in use)
1 - herb dryer
nutrients- i have the whole line of advanced nutes

i know its a long post..........sorry about that.........any advice would be appreciated.........i also stopped working for awhile till i get the hang of this.even though i don't do this for money it's still really important to me because if i fail i'll have to hear my girrls mouth forever,,,,,thanx



Well-Known Member
looks like you did your research, which i s a very good thing. so many people just don't bother :(

looks like a pretty sweet set-up :)

should get some good results.

good luck :D


Active Member
that's good to hear. last night my brand new ballast went out so i have to get a new one.....and send my old one in.....sucks.


Well-Known Member
You should get some 6" ducting with a 6" inline fan and vent that heat out. Hook it up to your cool tube. I got one from my light also trust me hook it up it reallys makes a difference with heat.


Well-Known Member
looks like your doing good. I noticed after I just water my babies, the rest of the day they seem to be verry droopy.


Active Member
the seed on all the plants broke on the 7th or 8th of october..................you guys should see the growth......i actually have something to add to RIU.........lst is easy and helps a lot. all i did was take some heavy duty speaker wire i had laying around and kind wayed down the plants with it...all the sides expose to the sun have a ton of new growth..........its like looking at the top of the plant........i'll show pics later.just curious if anyone has done some lst.....do the buds grow bigger too?


Active Member
last week i started lst with my lowryders.........i can't believe how many extra grow sites there are.....i think i'm goig to get another light though cause some don't seem to be getting enough....i'll put some pics up probably tomorrow.....in other news i gotta take a ua in like 10 days so now i gotta find how to beat the test.....