1st time grower!! COMMENTS/ADVICE PLEASE!!! (i think there doin pretty good)

This is my first time growing. so far im loving it, it just seems it is taking forever! right now they are a month 15 days old( the sprout went in the dirt nov. 15). i have been watering every 3-4 days alternating with water and 1/2 FLORANOVA grow and floralicious plus. i have a couple questions for your experts out there!

On some of the tips they are starting to brown and curl up? what is this? and why?
as well as some of the leaves are starting to yellow, then they gain brown spots then die, WHYYY?
Also some well most of the main stems are mainly purple, why is this???
Looks like could be a nitrogen defeciency? How big are the pots or bags? are the leaves yellowing from the outside in? kinda hard to tell by the pics? what is the npk you are feeding now?


Active Member
It could be over feeding mate i did the same thing. Use just water next feed and lower the nutes and see if any of the new growth after that is effected


Well-Known Member
definitely go easier on nutes for a lil bit...looks like nitrogen deficiency..wats ur PH at and wat is your DIF(day and night temps)?? thatll help to start figuring out ur problems.



Active Member
PH.jpgFix your water PH, you want to be at around 5.8, then back off the nutes for now, they are still young they don't need a lot if any right now. =)


Well-Known Member
i had the same problem when i first started using those nutes.. on the 2nd time around i just didnt feed them for about 2 weeks just plain ph'ed water.. try that and they should stop the yellowing. after about 3 waterings start low on the nutes.. worked out fine for me
Well i started these babies on Nov. 15 and i think there doing great besides the older leaves yellowing the die, but i have read that this is normal. I have some questions though for the experts

I see many other peoples plant on here and they look more like christmas tress then twigs like mine.... do i need to prune them, top them what? cuz they look like twigs with leaves.
another some of my healiter leaves have some black spots on them, and burn tips on some....what is this exactly.



Well-Known Member
wat are u using for lighting, nutrients, wats ur temp?? do u have fresh air being brought in? are u in a closet or open room or tent? gimme a lil background info on ur setup n wat ur workin with. id love to help ya as best i can....ima look thru my class notes from this fall and ill find out wat ur black spots are from. hit me back n lemme know how they doin!


Active Member
I didnt check the date on this but it looks to me that your plants look good....First grow? They look great!!!!

The pic on the Left is my second grow at three weeks to go. 2010 grow