1st Time Grower Have Questions Please Help?

Alright i have a very healthy female and i have some questions about it and any info will help. i've noticed that a few of the hairs and i do mean just a few have started turning brown orange is this normal, i do have the plant in some hours of dirct sun light and some hours of it in the shade could this be affecting it? another one is, is there such a thing as too much dirct sun light i live in texas and it gets pretty intense hurr. Also as its started to flower i've added a solution called SUPERthrive vitamins-hormones solution i don't know about it is this a bad or good flowering solution is it too strong?or should i just get another flowering solution?and if it is good how should it be used i added a very small amount to the water.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
N-P-K ratios are what your looking for. Nitrogen-Phosphourus-Potasium. get any fertilizer that has more phosphourus then any other nutrient. plants use the phosph. for bud and root development.

and direct sunlight is what your looking for just make sure they have plenty of water all day, the more sun they get the more lumens they use for photosynthesis..
Awesome thanks alot man oh ya even if they temp. is higher then 95%?have u heard of SUPERthrive is it good?nvm i'll just have to stop buying shit so i can have some cash for some fert. its alittle harder for me to do that cuz i'm a everyday smoker and i needs my weeds. so i'll stop the use of the superthrive. what about a few or the hairs turning orange?whats that mean?


Well-Known Member
Superthrive isn't really recommended for flowering. It's more of a tonic for transplant, potting clones etc. Where are you planning on buying your fertilizer? (Just to know what kind of products you may have available.) 95 degrees is just fine as long as the soil stays damp. You just don't want to water and fertilize in the mid-day heat. Do it early morning or in the evening, like a lawn.


Well-Known Member
i've noticed that a few of the hairs and i do mean just a few have started turning brown orange is this normal, i do have the plant in some hours of dirct sun light and some hours of it in the shade could this be affecting it? another one is, is there such a thing as too much dirct sun light i live in texas and it gets pretty intense hurr.

the white hairs start to turn orange as the plant matures. i would definitely give it some shade/indirect sunlight if i were in texas, i've been there, that sun gets pretty fucking intense.


Well-Known Member
Does Texas start to see some relief now that summer is tapering off, or does it stay pretty intense right on through?


Active Member
love that texas sun! ive always noticed plants mature much faster here. just picked some fresh local yesterday, just some regs tho, was ok. i got two girls in flower atm with a few weeks to go. depending on cold snaps i could prob grow 9-10 months outta the year. i used to know peeps that would get 2 harvests a season.


Well-Known Member
love that texas sun! ive always noticed plants mature much faster here. just picked some fresh local yesterday, just some regs tho, was ok. i got two girls in flower atm with a few weeks to go. depending on cold snaps i could prob grow 9-10 months outta the year. i used to know peeps that would get 2 harvests a season.
I don't doubt it that the intense sun speeds them up. I've just had 3 or 4 days of intense sun and 85-95 degree temps. It really rocketed my plants into flower!


i live in arizona where the average temp is 104 and my plants get at least 12 hours of direct sunlight so your good to go cuz my buds are coming out killer!
Nice well thanks alot guys yall really help me alot i'll probly go to either home depot or planet k for my fert. thanks for telling me that i'll just stop adding it and get the right stuff this is actually been one of the best summers for texas I'VE ever felt but i'm sure sept. now will cool shit down to where its comforable. dude 2 harvested a season that freakin awesome i gotta know how?lol i'll defiently water in the moring and i'll have it in indirect sunlight. i'll try and take some pics when she really starts to swell for yall i love her so much i wanna show the whole world :P thanks guys and keep on smokin.


Active Member
yea i have one question. is it the old preflowers turning orange? or is it the actual bud pistils that are turning cuz i noticed all of mine have orange preflowers and still all white bud pistils. and im in AZ average 95*


as they age some pistils will orange but new pistils should still sprout its an ongoing cycle til the plant finishes
i see nice. what should i do if the top ones are growing faster and ageing faster then the bottom branches?should i harvest the plant at different times?
fuck man i got some terrible news i went this evening to water then and the place i have it is almost like a maze i only step in certain areas for a reason and just today it had rained maybe 2 days ago so its been wet and i saw footprints everywhere like not at the plant but on the way there in a dry creek and one of may empty water bottle was open and the lid was on the foor even tho i always cap them. i have to move it damn mn this ufcking sux.what should i do?