1st time grower need help with neuts...


Active Member
i just got my 1st clones today. i was wondering how long do i wait before i have to give them neuts. and how often? (your feedback is greatly appriciated)


Active Member
i am using an Orchard supply potting soil with firtilizers added. i also added pearlite, worm castings, green sand, lime, guano, and epsom salt. i am growing in 2gallon containers


Well-Known Member
depending on the strength you might not even need to feed till flowering, the stuff in the soil along with what you added should probally last 5-6 weeks b4 you need to feed them. the only thing is that I dont know how much of each you put in and how strong the nutes in the soil is, so it might not be so long or it might be longer.


Active Member
ok but how will i know when to start feeding them? will the growth just stop??



Well-Known Member
the older leaves will start yellowing some as it pulls it out of the old foliage and puts it into the new stuff. when you do start nutes you need to be very careful, cannabis nuteburns pretty easy at first, start at 1/4 strength and kind of slowly work your way up.if your leaves get really dark green and/or develop orangish colored dead spot on the edges/tips it means its getting close to burning and you need to back off on the feeding. after thinking about it a little bit heres what i would probally do-start light feeding at about 4 weeks(maybe sooner if the plant looks like it needs it)give it like 25% strength of the nute and see how it reacts, if it shows no problems you can keep lightly feeding every 3 waterings or so, just keep your eyes open for dark green leaves and burnt looking orange splotches/tips/edges. if you see those stop feeding and depending on the severity you might have to flush the plants.


Active Member
awsome man! you're pretty up on your shit. thanks brother. but what does it mean to flush your plants? does that just mean watering with no neuts?


Active Member
another question.... what is a good mixture to use???? 1-5-9, 22-5-50, 12-4-8??? i dont know what to use!!!


yea flushing is watering without nuts, and you water a lot. your two gallon pot put like 4 gallons of water through it to flush. I would go with the 12-4-8 for veg.


Well-Known Member
what type of nutrient depends on the stage the plant is in, for veg and up till about the 2nd-3rd week of flowering go with something higher in nitrogen and lower in phosphorus and potassium, for flowering you want something low in nitrogen and high in phosphorus and potassium.(some will say to switch earlier but the first 3 weeks of flower it usually doubles or triples in size and that requires a decent amint of nitrogen). flushing is where you put 3 times as much water as you have soil through the soil. sorry i didnt get back to you sooner, just been real busy lately.


ya.... he was asking what to use at his point in the grow cycle.... so go with what I said... and flushing doesn't need to be three times the size of the pot.... could be two like I said..... its when you run no nutrient water through and it pushes old nutrients out the soil...


Active Member
not a problem at all man. thanks for the info. 2 out of the three are doing great. i also got a platnum kush clone 3 days ago. I'll put pictures up tomorrow
That's a hot soil mixture you used. If you start using nutes you're def going to experience burn. I wouldn't add all that stuff to your soil. But like I always say, it's what you find works the best for you and your environment. The worm casting and guano are more for a flowering stage.


Active Member
yea thats what i was told. i just used potting mix, pearlite and worm castings on the platnum kush clone i just transplanted