1st time grower - PLEASE HELP


Active Member
ok....im not sure if this is normal. This is my 1st grow. The leaves are very light. Bottoms are dying.

I am using a drip system in a 10x10 tent.
600w hps light
temp is always between 84-87 with about 30 - 35% humidity.
Light 24/7
Flora Micro nutes

any help or advice is appreciated.
Thanks in advance from a newbie



Active Member
also, can anyone tell me what the humidity should be at, and is there anything special i have to do to avoid mold once the i raise the humidity? Again...thanks everyone!!


Well-Known Member
theres an easier way to get the humidity up if you dont got money for humidifier... just get a pan.. cup.. bowl.. or any of these things.. and just leave it in there with your plants.. that will get the humidity up easily.. also.. dont qute me on this.. lol.. but fromwhat i hear.. alotta people say the very bottom leaves almost always die off for some reason.. soo far on all my plants.. this has happened...