1st time grower.


Active Member
hey wats up..
well first off im a first time grower.
and i had accouple questions.
i have 2 plants growin indoor..
there at about 2 weeks old.
and i was wonderin if this is how they would look??
im opend for any advice.
the biggest one looks a lil retarded but the smaller ones looks koo.
if anyone can help me out i would really appreciate it.



Well-Known Member
You will need a small fan in there breezing those babies all the time. It will thickin their stocks up. If those were seeds and then two weeks later that's what you have , that's not bad, BUT if that's 2 weeks since they poked through the dirt, then you got a wee problem. You need to give those things a lot more light. What are you using? If they are flourescents, then you need to keep them like 2 inches off the tops of them at all times, second they should also be on a 24 hour or 18/6 light cycle. Get ready to transplant those babies soon too, wait maybe 1 or two leaf sets, and then transplant them into WAY bigger pots, and prefferable to a size that will be their perminant placement to avoid a third transplant.


Active Member
so they need alot more light and a fan??
the waterin is good..i aint over waterin.
they are stress plants so m not really trippin on these.
its just a lil practice a lil a experiment.lol
but tanxs for the advice.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
so they need alot more light and a fan??
the waterin is good..i aint over waterin.
they are stress plants so m not really trippin on these.
its just a lil practice a lil a experiment.lol
but tanxs for the advice.
not sure what ou are running for lights but move them a bit closer without frying them. what lights


Active Member
well im using some regular lights..there not very good.
im on a budget rght now.lol
im just waitin on some money to come in from taxes to buy some good lights.
but tanxs i just moved them closer this mornin.
is it good to take them outside durin the day out in the sun??


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well im using some regular lights..there not very good.
im on a budget rght now.lol
im just waitin on some money to come in from taxes to buy some good lights.
but tanxs i just moved them closer this mornin.
is it good to take them outside durin the day out in the sun??
cfl's are,nt that much and you can get a 4ft shop tub light its a sunlight buld. great for veg.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
till u can gt some better lights the sun's good.....
u'll also gt some wind outside....

but hook up the indoor setup as soon as u can

cheers an best of luck

Brick Top

New Member
till u can gt some better lights the sun's good.....
u'll also gt some wind outside....

but hook up the indoor setup as soon as u can

cheers an best of luck

Taking plants outdoors is a very good way to end up with mites. People should never move plants outside and in again, especially if they have mothers or other plants in different stages of growth because the mites will spread to them and depending on what stage of growth they are in it could be a real problem.

The best thing to be done is at least get some halfway decent lighting and make sure it is close. Also to either put a fan on low speed blowing on the plants so the lateral movement will stimulate stem growth, as in caliper size, or to replant them seep enough so the bottom leaves are just slightly above the soil. The long stems that would then be underground will push out roots and he will then get a bigger better root structure faster BUT if better lighting is not also supplied the plants will just stretch again after replanting.

Myself I would supplement/upgrade/augment the lighting and replant deeper and have a fan blowing on them so any new stem growth, as in height, would also grow stronger and larger in caliper so they will then be strong enough to handle the weight and stresses they will later have to deal with.

But then I am a both belt and suspender sort of guy.

I believe if there is only one answer for a problem you of course use it but if there are two or three or more answers that are valid accurate answers and none are conflicting in that one would negate the possibility of doing another you use as many answers as you can or all answers if possible.

The key thing to keep in mind is the final results of ones efforts and if doing more will assure a better final result in my mind it is not an injudicious thing to do to do as much as one possibly can to assure a better final result even if to some it may seem like redundant actions being taken.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
If you stick them outside for the day, make sure you put them under lights inside. The days aren't quite long enough yet and if you stick them in a dark closet at night they will want to flower right off. They don't look too stretched as far as I can tell. I have a 400w light and some look like that. Keep itup and don't worry if you fuck up. there is always more seeds and you'll know what not to do next time.


Well-Known Member
had a little nut bur i see. their looking better.:bigjoint:
theres no nutes. my girlfriend bumped my cabinet with the vacuum and my lights sat on my plants for an hour. :cry: fortunately all it did was burn the tips on 2 leaves slightly. no breakage.


Active Member
well tanxs for all the advise everyone.
this mornin i put more soil on them to bury the stems a lil.
ill have have a better light setup soon.
but for rght now i got them outside in the sun.
i live in southern sunny California...an well its a verynice day 2day alot of sun.
hopefully thats not bad for them.


Well-Known Member
get a small fan blowing on them lightly. you want to at least see the leaves moving a bit. this will help the plants grow thicker stems!


Active Member
should i use a spiral high lumen output bulp warm white...light output is 1650 lumens???