1st time grower


Background info: Bought some shwag 2 weeks ago(during spring break). Mixed with some dro and you know the rest. My buddy and I decided to plant a handful of seeds and put it in my windowsill for S's and G's....I checked today, approx. 2 weeks after I planted the seeds(about 8-9 of them) and it has started to sprout(see pic).

I leave it on my windowsill. I have about 13 hours daylight and 11 hours of night.

(I do not want to start a gro-op, nor do I want to buy outrageous gadgets to make it grow quicker or crop more. I am going to leave it on the windowsill so please don't suggest moving it into my closet with lamps or anything of the sort. If the plant is female it will be recreational only. If it is male I will find out how to make hash. hahaha.)

I have read on this site and others before I ask questions, but most of them seem to be vague. I need specific answers.

1. How many weeks until I will be able to tell if it is male or female?
2. Will the other seeds in the soil help or hurt the growing process?
3. If the other seeds didn't take does that mean they are too baked or that they just didn't root properly and can be planted again?
4. Since I do not know the strain how will I know(or be able to make an estimation) on the height/thc content/time it takes to crop/etc.?

Anything else anyone can tell me is greatly appreciated. I have pretty much only been smoking about 4-5 months. So take it easy on me.



Active Member
once you are near the end of the vegatative cycle and close to the flowering cycle you then can tell if its male or female. the seeds wont harm the plant but if you have more plants sprout in that cup then the other plants will take the original plants nutrients. did you germintae the seeds before planting? if you didnt germintating will make the process easier and will have more sprouts!
If youre not interested in doing lights and all that jazz, just start by getting it a bigger pot, its going to need space to grow. Make sure the soil isnt too moist either, as that was a problem with my first try.


Yeah I water it about once a week, and I don't put much on it. I didn't germinate the seeds, I just stole some potting soil from one of the family plants with all the nutrients in it. And about how long does it take for the vegetative cycle to end and the flowering cycle begin?

@NuBud335- Why wait when you can jump at it right away? It's either going to be a, "holy shit this worked! im awesome," kinda thing or a, "oh well. it was the thought that counted," kind of thing.