1st time growing cannabis. need help with flowering *HD pictures*


New Member
hey everybody, new to roll it up. wasnt sure where to post this, i have 4 plants i veged outside until they started flowering which i then braught them inside. but anyway my questions are not revolved around lighting. strictly plant questions.Thanks so much for taking the time to read this

i was blessed to receive 10 bag seeds from an absolutely beautiful batch of indica that had been pollenated by who ever grew it. its rare i find seeds, and its even rarer that i find them in A+ grade cannabis considering the growers who are producing quality buds usually remove their males. However theese guys didnt and when i threw the 10 seeds in water i was once again blessed to have 4 of the 10 bag seeds germinate. I planted all four on july 8th-12th and they veged in soil with worm castings (would ocaisonally reupply worm castings) and also used a seaweed based nutrient supposed to by high in nitrogen. i veged until around september 11-15th, when all four of my plants showed their first signs of being female (thank the lord)!!!!!

i consider my first official day of flowering september 15th. In that case, they have been flowering for 17 days.
my questions are..

1.does it matter that i do not know the exact day sighns of flowering started showing? will this effect when i know when to harvest or can i just watch the trichomes? i know for a fact that they all had definite female sighns by the 15th so should i just count that as day one?

2.is it normal for them to start getting super crystally on the 12-14th day? theese things are stacking crystals quick, will i maybe have to harvest sooner?

3.how can i tell when its time to harvest.?

4.Do they look about 17 days?

5. How do they loook!? :)

theese pictures are the buds from one plant.


1. All u need to do is check the trichomes.
2. Every strain is different but crystal is a good thing
3. When trichomes are milky white with bout 20% amber ur ready
4. 14-21 days is a good guess. IMO start checking trichs in 5-6 weeks
5. Looking real nice. Good job!


New Member
1. All u need to do is check the trichomes.
2. Every strain is different but crystal is a good thing
3. When trichomes are milky white with bout 20% amber ur ready
4. 14-21 days is a good guess. IMO start checking trichs in 5-6 weeks
5. Looking real nice. Good job!
thanks alot for the help and the complement bro! and ur counting the 5-6 weeks from today right? just clarifying


Well-Known Member
your gonna want to wait unitll about 50-70 percent of the hairs start to turn black to harvest and as far as i can tell they look good, good job dude stay growing!
No offense intended, but you should stick to learning before giving out advice.