1st time growing. Few questions...


Im thinking about growing grand daddy purple and white widow. Where can i get some instructions or special care tips on those 2 plants.


Well-Known Member
If you mean how many weeks it will flower before harvest you can check the sellers website. If you mean amount of nutes to use, well I grow in water and use the same formula for every strain I grow.


Im thinking about growing grand daddy purple and white widow. Where can i get some instructions or special care tips on those 2 plants.
Only thing i can say in general as im also a new grower to weed, is do as much research as you can before hand, and just went you think you have it all down cross check all your facts with people that have good amount of grows under their belt. I have heard SOOO many stories from ppl wondering why there plant is 7 inches tall with one set of leafs, or why is it yellow and pale after 1 week from seed... again im no pro but i spent 2 months researching and learning everythinig i possibly could before i started and this is also very important, save up some money and really get the equipment you need, you dont have to drop thousands of dollars on a grow room but dont expect to get some crazy results with a tin foil lined cardboard box with a single light bulb you took from your bathroom. Take a look at my two first plants they are both only 2 weeks old in those pictures and they look good specially compared to the plants you see on youtube and all i did was keep it simple with good lights, good soil, and good fans.....