1st Time Growing Problem


This is my 1st attempt and it was going so well untill few days back the small leafs at the bottom of the plant started to die off which ive read as might be normal but day or 2 after the top leafs have sagged down but they still have a nice green colour to them

Ive started growing them in a big juice bottle and used some nice growing soil everything was going so well untill i noticed a green colour in the soil (mold i think) i recon this is because it never had drainage holes in the bottle so all water sat there so basically ive moved it to a pot that you will see i the picture below thats got drainage again using some nice soil i used to only water the plant daily or unless it looked dry

Any help as to why its started sagging and advice to help it grow successfully will be appreciated

The sticks are just to help the plant grow up


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
possbile overwatering, epscially if it didn't have drainage holes. it could also now possibly be in shock from it's transplant


Active Member
definately should poke some holes in the bottom o them shits, and tat soil dont look like it has ANYTHIN at all in it... get a bag of perlite from a walmart or somethin n mix it up some


ive planted it in a pot and gave it some fresh water anyone know how long till i see the outcome of growth or death


Well-Known Member
oh man... when you trans'd it how much damage to the root system was there? your need exceptional drainage within your medium for root health, some superthrive would not hurt, and/or growzyme, it's for healthy roots. Yeah it looks stressed, needs a lil N and overwatered, i think. I would say within 24 hours you should know your demise if immenant.


Active Member
pot it on with decent soil/perlite and a decent pot cos those ceramic ones only have one drainage hole . As bc buddy says , overwatered and lack of Nitrogen and i would use some superthrive also stated by BC lol . Dont go giving a watering now , wait until soil is dry then give nutes but only a 1/4 strenth of what it says on the product as your plant is still young . Whats your lighting you using .
Are you growing that plant outside ????


pot it on with decent soil/perlite and a decent pot cos those ceramic ones only have one drainage hole . As bc buddy says , overwatered and lack of Nitrogen and i would use some superthrive also stated by BC lol . Dont go giving a watering now , wait until soil is dry then give nutes but only a 1/4 strenth of what it says on the product as your plant is still young . Whats your lighting you using .
Are you growing that plant outside ????
ok so ill plan it in a propper pot and use some nice soil but whats the term "Nute" & "superthrive" mean and also yes using outdoor sun as its nice n hot at this momment


Active Member
im usin ceramic pots wit jus one hole n its workn fine, but you need to add some perlite or somethin like it to the soil so your roots dont drown. nutes is another word for fertilizers, superthrive is a kind of plant supplement that helps growth, google it


im usin ceramic pots wit jus one hole n its workn fine, but you need to add some perlite or somethin like it to the soil so your roots dont drown. nutes is another word for fertilizers, superthrive is a kind of plant supplement that helps growth, google it
ive brought some miracle grow and my dads got some perlite ive added the miracle grow now and see if it picks up as the soil has got enought water (nice and moist not over water'd)

hope i picks up as it was doing so well untill i overwater'd it

regards to the leafs sagging ive read something about snipping the leafs and that'll help with de-stressing the plant and might give it a better chance my question is will this actually work and re-grow or will it ruin it even more


does anyone know if iam able to pull of the still dead flopping leafs as the top of the plan seems to be getting better (ie propper looking nice green leafs) but just below that is still floppy