1st time indoor grower


Well-Known Member
Hi the bottom leaves went a browny colour early on & don't know why.maybe spilled water or some soil on em.There 17 days from seed do they look OK??I'm using bio all mix.I gave them a good soak before planted seeds & on day 14 gave them a watering,I was using soil probe & on its number chart says to wait till number 2 dry but they seemed dry top few inches..I thought maybe needed water due to browny leaves,soil pH is OK & water pH OK on them.will start adding nuets on day 21 of bio biz grow & bloom for flowering period( anyone used them & no exact doses?)Yor input or advice will be much appreciated. Decided to try grow my own for medicinal purposes,as I'm sick paying over the odfs& quality isn't to good..



Well-Known Member
Please please don't take my advice to heart before it is confirmed, as I'm a novice as well.

But I've had those bottom leaves yellow and droop on me like that. You probably won't get those leaves to improve, but it could be signs your plant is hungry. when I saw this on my plant, I fed more and the new growth sped up. I had to remove the damaged leaves a while later, but I think my plant was hungry.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure As ive never used it, or foliar fed my plants. I would keep it simple and feed with my next watering however. I honestly don't know what would happen, but I would avoid spraying your new, good looking, growth for now.

Is bio biz intended to use like that?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure As ive never used it, or foliar fed my plants. I would keep it simple and feed with my next watering however. I honestly don't know what would happen, but I would avoid spraying your new, good looking, growth for now.

Is bio biz intended to use like that?
OK thanx I will see how a go & hope for the best!


Well-Known Member
I wish more experienced growers could chat us novices up. I feel like the blind is leading the blind. but I guess they were novices and paid thier dues as well...


Well-Known Member
I wish more experienced growers could chat us novices up. I feel like the blind is leading the blind. but I guess they were novices and paid thier dues as well...
Lol true I just read the shit out the internet on weed but I think too much info & loads different symptoms causes brain freeze with me

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
well steff44,my opinion/the plants look pretty good on top nice and green ,bottom is shit but don't worry about them you will lose them anyway,my question to you is are you feeding them nutrients yet you didn't mention it ,what type soil are you using ,when you feed ,water, throw the soil meter to the side and do the pick it up method if it confuses you just fill a empty pot and use it to feel your weight,this method will keep you from over watering,they might seem like they are growing slow to you ,don't sweat it ,the roots get to the bottom of the pot ,they are concentrating on root growth right now.when the roots hit the bottom they will start concentrating on veg growth and take off on you ,start feeding nutrients at 1/4 strength until you get them up to what they like.for instance i use blue planet nutrients and i think there feed chart was used on plants on steroids ,because my plants couldn't handle there schedule ,so i started tinkering with it until i found the sweet spot,that was at 1/2 strength ,but take everything that could happen in a grow and i stick with 1/4 strength ,less is better some times.i suggest you do the same until you feel comfortable enough to up it if you want to. I also grow for my medicine and don't really care about quantity ,i prefer quality . any way i hope this helps some of you guys out ,just have patience and you will do fine and happy growing it will be good stuff when your done


Well-Known Member
Part of the problem is that you gave your plant the original water run off and you watered again 14 days later. Your bottom leaves are taking the stress for that mis calculation. With that being said, let the plant grow a few more nodes 2-3. Then you can remove them with clean cut percision. Second mistake is, you should have carefully transplanted in a 1-2 gallon pot with a good soil such as Roots Organic Potting Soil. To fix your problem get a bag of Roots Organic and some smart pots and carefully transplant... When you tplan... do a good pre-soak NOT A DRENCH!!! Light pre-soak!!! At 2weeks you could have begin baby feeding veg-grow nutes half of half strength. To help lead plant(s) into maturity. Your good... You just have to do your research friend... When you chose to grow you chose to become a guardian. Become the best at it and it will bless you.


Well-Known Member
And it will thats why you keep it simple. Feed once a week and water once a week. That way youre feeding once and watering twice a week. What lighting are you using and how many plants?


Well-Known Member
Wait. This plant was watered once in 14 days? It looks pretty good.

I usually hover over my seedlings waiting for the soil to dry. But these look better than alot of sprouts I've had lol.