1st time Micro Grow with Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Tough call, but I tend to err on the side of caution. If you think the others may not be auto then switch to 12/12 sooner rather than later. You don't have much room and they will be in there 3 months so it's better safe than sorry.
The auto will do just fine under 12/12. The last few times I grew them I didn't even bother with a veg period, I just threw them under 12/12 from the start and they grew as well as any other auto's I've grown.


Active Member
lol man now i want to throw my bag seeds into some soil and see if I get as lucky as you and end up with some that are autoflowers lol. Thats too cool :)


Hey hey,

What's goin on rollitup? Been AWOL for a minute, but I'm back and I bring news and pictures.

The girls are 26 days old. Roxy is the tallest and healthiest looking (color and leaf-wise), Xena, as we discovered, must be an autoflowerer and is about 8 days into flowering. Aphrodite is curling and twisting (maybe trying to get to the light, maybe sick???).

All the clover leaves have died and so I plucked them off, the first set of fan leaves are all yellowing, should I trim them off or leave them be for now??

I bought some grow big (fox farm) and watered the plants at 1/2 tspn to 1gallon water. I barely used a third of the gallon to water all three plants (I water until I see a little bit of run off).

Not sure if you can see in the pictures, but the leaves have been curling, I think towards the light since I LSTed.

Do they look healthy? Any advice. I'm thinking of getting them all to start flowering (I've been keeping Xena on the same sched even though she started early) the Monday after next - at 5 weeks old.

Thanks for checking it out, peace!



Active Member
Great Journal you've got going. I am also on my first grow but am not as far along as you are.....I'm jealous. Just curious, do you adjust your water's PH at all or is it all straight from the tap?

I'm subscribed.



Great Journal you've got going. I am also on my first grow but am not as far along as you are.....I'm jealous. Just curious, do you adjust your water's PH at all or is it all straight from the tap?

I'm subscribed.



I was using left over bottled water for a while (my housemates are notorious for never finishing a whole bottle).

Today I used tap water, but I put a couple drops of water dechlorinater (like for a fish tank) and let it sit for a couple hours.

Thanks for checkin it out :)


Well-Known Member
Good pics.
The yellowing isn't too bad so there's still nutrition available to the plant from those leaves. I'd let them be personally.
Try to bend Xena to give some light to those little popcorn buds.
I'm not one for vegging, but you have enough space to let them grow another week or 2 before switching. As you have some veg and flower going on at the same time it would pay to mix your lights 50/50 so you cover the needs of them all.


What's good ppl?

So, my plants LOVED the grow big. They all perked up, leaves stretched up happily, standing a little taller. They were all drooping a bit and now that's totally gone, and I feel like the color is better.

One unfortunate accident is that Aphrodite got too much water on her leaves (I mist them once in a while with an atomizer) and she has a few burn spots on her leaves.

Otherwise every thing seems pretty good.

Hey v12, thanks. I tied them all over a tiny bit more to get more light penetration. I'm going to switch them to flowering next week. And as for the mix, I have one 23 watt softlight and I put the autoflowerer directly underneath that bulb.I can't fit another light until I buy some y-splitters. Do you think 4 23 watt softlights would be good for flowering? Or should I keep one of the daylight cfls?



Well-Known Member
Got no scientific stuff on mixing the spectrums but I like the effect I get by using some blue light during the flower cycle. You could do either and get good results, so go with the cheapest option :)


So, I think Roxy is actually a Rocky. Any advice... is she a he, or not. I have some pictures down low.

Another question about LST, should I start moving the side braches away from the stem, even though the side branches are more like leaf stems than branches?

ALl in all they look good, hope at least another 1 of the 2 is a girl.



Well-Known Member
So, I think Roxy is actually a Rocky. Any advice... is she a he, or not. I have some pictures down low.

Another question about LST, should I start moving the side braches away from the stem, even though the side branches are more like leaf stems than branches?

ALl in all they look good, hope at least another 1 of the 2 is a girl.
why are u flowering them so early their just babies(look @ mine @ 20 days veg)


Well-Known Member
Afraid you called Rocky spot on. Pic 2 looks like Aphrodite may also be a chap :(
Not much value to smoking males, so you have 2 options really. Either pull the males to give Xena max light or consider turning this into a seed run.
It's pretty likely that all the seeds would be auto but you will never know what sex they are until you've squandered soil and light on them. This uncertainty is why I stick to feminised seeds as I want all my efforts to turn into buds.
That said, there's nothing stopping you ordering fems for the case and sowing your seed harvest outside. May be the best of both worlds.


Active Member
Not much value in smoking males but if he kills it & dries it to a crisp he can make a little bit of honey oil. thats worth smoking :p


Hey hey,

So, wow. We're at 32 days old!

Recap so far:

Roxy, my favorite, turned out to be Rocky. Decided not to kill him, but I'm going to plant him in the woods. I think it'll be cool to let him live out his little life until some deer eats him.

Xena is an autflowerer and she already smells like weed, it's fucking awesome. She's 13 days into flowering.

Aphrodite is taller, healthier, and LST'd better.

Wusup Droxster

I'm not an expert, by far, but from what I've researched the lowest wattage people use is 23watts, preferably more. Right now I have 2 27watt daylight cfls and 1 23 watt softlight cfl. I don't know what kind of flouro you mean. But if you only have the cfls for supplementing a main light, you want to take into account the spectrum. There is a difference of lights used for veg and flower (not sure how much you know). So... yeah. Hope that helps a little bit :)



Well-Known Member
I've been following this grow for awhile now and I gotta say its looking good. V12 you say you like fem seeds yet fem seeds can go hermi whenever they want, usually happens later in life though.


Well-Known Member
LST's looking great and Xena is a very healthy plant. Hope she keeps growing at that rate :)

Hey Mystic. Maybe I've just been lucky, but I've never had a hermie yet. I wouldn't mind the odd free seed TBH but I'm not going to complain.


Wsup gang,

Been a minute since I've posted. Thanks for keepin up (or just taking a look) so far.

Bad news for me is that Aphrodite is a boy as well.

Xena is standing alone, at about 3 inches tall. She's full of buds popping up everywhere. But she's short and the leaves and stem growth are so dense she doesn't bend in any direction easily.

I'm happy they all sprouted, and at least one is female.

I switched her to flowering Yesterday. 12/12 with 2x23 watt softlight cfl's. and 1x27 watt daylight cfl.

I watered her today with some Tiger Bloom mixed in (1tspn to 1 gallon).

Got some pictures.

Anyone have a favorite recommendation for buying seeds and a good micro grow strain?

I've done a lot of research, I just want to hear opinions from people that've done it.




Well-Known Member
I thought Aphrodite looked like a he :(

Most of the strains that take around 7 weeks to flower should be ok. My personal favourite that grew well in my case was Ice Cream.
I've got a great mail in my inbox from seedsman explaining why he sells shite and it's somehow my problem. He owns skunk.co.uk now too, so try to avoid them as well. The only seedbanks I would use are the one's that have a refund policy that says something other than no refunds under any circumstances.


So I finally got around to planting the two boys in the woods, hopefully they live long leafy lives... until some deer eats them and gets stoned. J/k.

Xena is looking quite lovely. I love thick girls, but she's ridiculous. :)

Check it out.

She's been flowering for 23 days, the lights have been 12/12 for 7 days. 2 23watt soft lights and 1 27 watt daylight.

Watered her today until runoff, tap water that sat open for several days with some tiger bloom in it.

When do you start to harvest? Some of the white hairs have started to turn brownish at the top.



Well-Known Member
Auto's tend to be 10 week strains from seed. I always found a few extra days helped with potency so maybe 75 days from the day she popped up out of the soil.