1st Time Try, how they look?

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
are you misting?...could be transplant shock...mist and cover with a clear dome...that will help reduce the shock til the roots recover...some ppl will say not to mist,but the plant still needs water til the roots can provide it again


Well-Known Member

You are doing great. One of the things
that first timers will inevitable do is to
over think the little issues. The smallest
one, is just the runt of the litter. Just keep
giving them light(18hours a day) and dark
(6hours a night). You will do fine. Quit those
nutes. This is purely my suggestion.

What type of soil are you using? Most store
brands (MG) already have nutes in the soil.
That's all you need. Make those plants work.

No more nutes, or at least way less.

More CFL's if you can afford it and can easily
dissipate the heat that you come with them.

Keep that fan on them and don't worry over
them too much. Think about letting them grow
for now, and potentially purchasing a cheap
250w hps to flower with. Good luck, and start
a journal for this. People will jump in to help.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the suggestions, I will start misting them until I see progression. i'm using now on my two smallest a natural leaf compost that I found my big baby growing in. The big one seems to be striving in it so I think its best for the smallest ones. I believe it has no nutes in it so that is why i'm using Miracid which has a higher N content. Still no change in them, which i figured but i will update regularly on their progress.
Can anyone let me know how to start the journal... I wanted too earlier but I had no clue how to.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
twice a day...morning and night with a good fan until flower,then reduce misting conpletely to avoid humidity and rot issues.


Well-Known Member
^^True that.

Where is your water coming from?
The tap, the store, RO??

Let us know when you make the journal
and post a link.


Well-Known Member
the tap thru a PUR water filter then I leave it out for a day so that any chlorine left will dissipate.


Well-Known Member
you're probably over watering or under watering it. next time wen you water it wait a couple of hrs and if its still droopy then your over watering it. stop watering it till the leaves rise up again. just mist the leaves once a day wen the lights are out. i was having the same problem stopped watering it for 3 days and today the leaves are rising up again. =)


Well-Known Member
So It looks as if my two little ones will pull through this hurdle. I bought a ph & moister meter to monitor their recovery. I also added 1/4 miracid in 1 gallon of water to give the N. I also added some white distilled vinegar to the water to bring ph around 5. seemed to have worked. They are picking up nicely. I also started a journal and will now to continue post there. I appreciate all your help and replies... check out my journal for future growth & any concerns. its called 1st time try...
I dont know how to add link yet.
Oh my biggest has pre flowers though is it cool to keep it in Veg state so that my smaller ones can catch up to her?

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Glad they are doing better for you....Make sure you stop by my journal and leave me a link to yours...yes,you can keep it in veg as long as you like....keep size in mind...gotta couple of 5 footers in my closet now...pain in the butt when ya need to take them out too


Well-Known Member
yo satman how do you link journals? thanks bro much appreciated. LOL i'll make sure I don't get that big good luck wit yours.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
open my rollitup in a new tab....edit signature....open your thread in the other tab.....copy and paste the url to your other tab under edit sig...if you don't get it holla back....sorry it took so long to answer,was working on my new tip for the other thread....check it out,bottom link in my sig


Well-Known Member
So happy to report that my two little one really pulled through like warriors. I decided today to clone off of Skunky(biggest) so I could find her sex earlier. I took two clones. I am also experimenting with peat tabs and gel2root. So we'll see which of these work better. I used rooting hormone (rootone) with the peat test. I wish I had rockwool but I could not find any in my town. So am I on the right path? I have the clones in cut up 2liter bottle for domes, I misted them, placed the in a rubbermaid with a 14watt floro 12" above them. room temp ranges around 80F. Should I leave them like that for the next 4 days? When should I mist? Alittle help please... 1st time cloning and growing.



Well-Known Member
you have an awesome story. this journal is awesome and i hope all your plants turn out female. i think you should top your plant, its where you cut the plant at the highest growth site.