1st Time Uk Grower~Fem WW~DR100 Setup


Well-Known Member
yea,im using phosporous plus which is meant to be added at the end of week 4.I put it in halfway through week 3 so it will be taken care of mared.Dude im gunna butcher that reflector tonight when the lights gone off,i've never been happy with it tbh but thought i was just getting anal....got some nice pics that i will post after the football.....C'Mon UNITED!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Hi all
Ok,Here's my weekend update as per usual.I've gone a bit snap happy but ive managed to get some really nice shots off the phone camera...Enjoy :clap:

jusstin 022.JPGjusstin 024.JPGjusstin 025.JPGjusstin 026.JPGjusstin 027.JPGjusstin 029.JPGjusstin 031.jpgjusstin 033.jpgjusstin 034.jpgjuz 039.jpgjuz 040.jpgjuz 041.jpgjuz 042.jpgjuz 043.jpg

Last but not least...My Blue Peter Veg Chamber!
I'm gunna put a flouro above the shelf what the lights are clipped to and use that for my clones,maybe perspex it off...i dunno....

jusstin 018.JPGjusstin 019.JPGjusstin 020.JPGjusstin 021.JPG

Lemmi know what you think...Im about to commit murder on my reflector!!!!!


Well-Known Member
your plants look fucking awesome! really vigorous and healthy. the frost is really starting to show. are they starting to really stink now? your blue peter veg chamber looks good too. you might want to get your bulbs a bit closer, i've seen other cfl grows on here and they have their bulbs almost touching the plants. as usual don't my word for it (i'm no expert and all that lol).
ps. united, PFFT!


Well-Known Member
haha,they look nice dont they :)
cheers oscar,the plants under the lights are clones,its a steady 75-78 in there so they low down as i want to create humidity to root them.They don't smell that bad tbh unless you unzip the DR when the lights and rvk fan is off,they really smell then but the tent contains it.

UNITED!!!...haha...what a game!!! ;)

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hell yea brother. Those are gonna be some fat colas. I'm looking at the light cutoff line from the reflector in your pics. It looks prety even around the top of the tent but I'm sure your judgement is better seeing it in person. I would focus less on making sure all leaves have light rather than making sure that no light is lost towards the top of the tent. Trying to keep that cutoff line between light and shadow on the sides of the tent even and at the proper height would be my goal. Some leaves are gonna be in shadow so I would just turn the plants every so often if possible.


Well-Known Member
i've just been checking out your pics again, you're gonna have some frigging enormous buds!! do you have your extractor fan off when your lights are off? if so you might want to have it on a few times during the "night" so it doesn't get too humid and cause the dreaded budrot.
united are a bunch of lucky beloved aunts...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea Krimez, oscar is right - mold is the worst and unfortunately the fatter the buds get the easier it is for the middle of the bud to start molding. It's happened to me before. Make sure that humidity stays below 40!


Well-Known Member
Tnx for all your comments,its appreciated.
Ok,i butchered my reflector and it is putting down WAY more light,i wont lose any at the top as i still have the top reflector on(just taken the 4 sides off completely).The humidity is a solid 35 and theres constant 24/7 air circulation so i think im ok with it.
I checked again today and the tallest has stopped growing at 53 inches from the floor,the colas seem to be swelling out more and theres a real pungent smell in the tent when the fans and filter are off...i'm getting excited now :)

Come on then oscar....who do you support???? :)


Well-Known Member
they'll keep swelling up and they'll all turn into one massive long one, i'm jealous of you now coz i've got a couple of months until i'll be watching the frost arrive.

QUEENS PARK RANGERS. I presume you don't live in manchester lol..


Well-Known Member
Hi all
Ok,Here's my weekend update as per usual.I've gone a bit snap happy but ive managed to get some really nice shots off the phone camera...Enjoy :clap:

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Last but not least...My Blue Peter Veg Chamber!
I'm gunna put a flouro above the shelf what the lights are clipped to and use that for my clones,maybe perspex it off...i dunno....

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Lemmi know what you think...Im about to commit murder on my reflector!!!!!
wow krimez beautiful plants you've got there :clap:

How much longer till harvest?

+rep for you my friend :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey all,not much happening really apart from the buds are starting to mesh together to give the impression of a main cola forming.Temps a steady 77f and the humidity is a constant 30-35% even at lights out.
lol QPR....i remember when they were in fashion ;)
Tnx Chowda,its appreciated.I have around 5-6weeks till harvest if they go full term but it depends on how they develop.I cant wait!!!!!!!!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea Krimez when the buds start to grow together that is when they blow up in size. That's why everyone makes such a big deal about node spacing.

I hope your humidity isn't like mine. It goes up when it gets warmer outside. You wouldn't think so because I'm running the a/c but it happens. I had to finally break down and buy a dehumidifier last weekend. $161... F*CK!!! And it was the smallest one they had. 25 pints/hr. Good news is that my humidity had crept up to 60% (yikes) before I set it up and now it is 38% and I have it on the low setting. I got by last summer without it because I had way fewer plants. Hopefully you can do the same.


Well-Known Member
yea i hear that mared.I have a high and low setting on my digi's and for now it's definately not straying over 35% humidity in a 24hr period.I will keep a daily eye on it though just to make sure...I WANT PERFECT BUDS!!!!!!!!haha :)
I know i only posted pics at the weekend but i will post some more later on as we have a child free evening and a bag of Cronic...yum yum!
Will also post pics of my frankenstein Reflector too ;)


Well-Known Member
looking forward to your next update. when i start my journal i'll only be doing one update a week coz my mrs would hit the fucking roof if she knew i was doing one. she'd go freaking nuts if she knew i'd posted those pics... mared, what do you mean about node spacing? i thought that was down to genetics, is it better to have long or short nodes?
i didn't realise Q.P.R. were ever fashionable..lol two away goals, you must be so pleased=)


Well-Known Member
Hey all
Here are the update pics,soz about the quality!


Pic 1 is of the big girl taken earlier today after a feed.
Pics 2-5 are individual shots of the 4 colas.
Pics 6-8 are the group shots.

Here's my mangled Light....It do work though :)
