1st Time Uk Grower~Fem WW~DR100 Setup


Well-Known Member
Yes jeff,thanks for dropping by man.

Oscar,i vent mine straight back into my room as im in the path of the police choppers landing spot and its forever flying over my house.i keep the window open 24/7 in the room its in so theres constant fresh air....what kinda heat is yours pumping out?

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
one simple reason greed. i should really get a carbon filter but i vent it straight outside and you can't smell it outside coz its out the back of the house and about 25 feet up and my neighbours are old fogeys. i can't smell it inside until i start messing about in there. i think i'll do a journal next time.

I would get a filter, you may not be able to smell them out side but them police sniffer dogs will.


Well-Known Member
Hi all
Just a quick question,is it more beneficial to get the main colas under the light so they get more of it or can i spread them out a bit so the canopy gets an even blast of light.
Cola's or Canopy for light?

On a side note,new growth on the clones...Whoop Whoop!


Well-Known Member
Email Alert!!!!!
Ok guys just recieved an email back from marijuana-seeds.nl with some fantastic news.
They dont know whats caused it tbh BUT they said with my next order they will resend another 10 fem ww free of charge and a bag of something special to compensate.
I replied to the email to say i wasnt after freebies from them and just to send my 2 seeds with my next order.
I've said it before and i'll say it again...the mark of a "Good Company" is the way it treats its customers when theres a problem,as far as im concerned i have no need to look for another seed company after this,Marijuana-seeds.nl offer a first class service and thats good enough for me :clap::clap::clap:

mr west

Well-Known Member
Email Alert!!!!!
Ok guys just recieved an email back from marijuana-seeds.nl with some fantastic news.
They dont know whats caused it tbh BUT they said with my next order they will resend another 10 fem ww free of charge and a bag of something special to compensate.
I replied to the email to say i wasnt after freebies from them and just to send my 2 seeds with my next order.
I've said it before and i'll say it again...the mark of a "Good Company" is the way it treats its customers when theres a problem,as far as im concerned i have no need to look for another seed company after this,Marijuana-seeds.nl offer a first class service and thats good enough for me :clap::clap::clap:
thats great news man well done:clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Cheers westy but they were true to their word and got back to me within a week..you cant say fairer than that can you =)
Due to the nature of the seed industry you cant take your complaints anywhere but to the company itself and theyve rectified the problem in a first class manor...I genuinly do have respect for seeds.nl as they could have palmed me off and ignored my emails.


Well-Known Member
Email Alert!!!!!
Ok guys just recieved an email back from marijuana-seeds.nl with some fantastic news.
They dont know whats caused it tbh BUT they said with my next order they will resend another 10 fem ww free of charge and a bag of something special to compensate.
I replied to the email to say i wasnt after freebies from them and just to send my 2 seeds with my next order.
I've said it before and i'll say it again...the mark of a "Good Company" is the way it treats its customers when theres a problem,as far as im concerned i have no need to look for another seed company after this,Marijuana-seeds.nl offer a first class service and thats good enough for me :clap::clap::clap:
wow very nice, what a great company, i might even buy some off them soon if they deliver to the US.


Active Member
That is fucking mint!!. that company is ace, i usually order off attitude but i wil defo consider them for my next grow. well dun m8.

**smokin uk cheese atm u tryed that?? its clone only i think but since ure in the uk lol...


Well-Known Member
lol everybodys tellin me to try the exodus cheese but i know nobody that has a clone of it....some kid i bought an 1/8 off once said it was uk cheese but it was nothing to write home about so im sure that it was bullshit after listening to the uk growers...Infact im positive!
Ukcheese my ass,ive had better highs off tipex ;P

I'm not a member of any clubs and pretty much a solo grower so i don't think i could get my hands on it which is a shame.
Oh well WW will have to do for now :)

btw...tnx for stopping by weasel.


Well-Known Member
wow. what a great company, considering the nature of their business they could of just ignored you. i get mine from a shop where they order them for you and i pay cash. i don't get any kind of after care but its totally anonamous (spelled wrong, thick cnut) which is cool.
i'm no expert but i topped my plants the day i started flowering and that gave me a nice even canopy and light distribution, with roughly the same size buds. it gives the lower branches a chance to catch up. there are probably lots of better growers than me with much better methods but that worked for me. i'm just finishing my 2nd grow so i've still got a lot to learn.


Well-Known Member
just spent the last hour and a half going through your thread (great thread by the way). fellow uk grower hear, will be subscibing to the thread, plur rep


Active Member
Hello... Hey I got my fem Brainstorm from seeds.nl too. they do ship to the us and are very discreet about it. good company and great prices

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Krimez, sorry bro the video card in my laptop literally melted so I had to get a whole new one. :finger: Gateway. So yea man great news about the seeds. Forums like RIU do a lot to "motivate" them to treat people right. They know we talk to each other. But yea if you're still contemplating your next strain selection I have two you should put at the top of the list. BC Roadkill and Sweet God from Cannacopia. I'm not sure if you can get them where you are but it is worth looking into. They are available as seeds but I got mine as cuttings from a friend. Just harvested the first batch and am more than pleased with both. Considering eliminating most of my previous strains in favor of more of these :shock: Not sure how you feel about others' porno all up in your journal but I can't resist. Forgive me.

Roadkill... purpley

Sweet God... wow



Well-Known Member
Yes jeff,thanks for dropping by man.

Oscar,i vent mine straight back into my room as im in the path of the police choppers landing spot and its forever flying over my house.i keep the window open 24/7 in the room its in so theres constant fresh air....what kinda heat is yours pumping out?
i tried just venting it into the room where the tent is but it was just recycling the heat and the temp was 37ish. Having the window open would have helped but i wouldn't have left the house with the window open 24/7. i wouldn't want to get burgled, the tv and dvd player i wouldn't care about but if my plants got nicked i'd be sooo gutted.


Well-Known Member
hello Weasel and Coco,tnx for dropping by guys...just in time for budding :)
Hi Oscar,mate i dont have that problem because the room my tent is in is upstairs...It's a bummer for you though as it does work really well and keeps the temp at a rock solid 75-78f.

Mared...yes homie good to hear from ya,post your bud porn here anytime mate...it makes me drool!
Those buds look good enough to eat man,especially the sweet god,looks like a green sugar cube...mmmmmmm
smoke report??????

Ok,what can i say.....Well you guys are gunna laugh at me but my missus has insisted that i do some bubblegum next!
Pfft,im not really feeling it tbh but she is teh boss kiss-ass
Remind's me of Alco-pops ;)

Plant's are looking great,budsites are developing really well and they are starting to take shape..I'm soooo fucking excited.They have all hit over the 4ft mark and look really healthy and vibrant.
Will update with pics over the weekend as the last lot didn't do them justice,they looked thinned out on the pics but thats not the case when you actually see them.

Tnx All :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
a suggestion for your next grow. jack herer from sensi seeds, i thought i'd push the boat out for my 2nd grow and fuck me i'm sooo glad i did. there are down sides though, £155 for 10 seeds and only 6 germed and only 3 were female so it worked out at £50+ a plant . its not ready yet but i've sampled a couple of small buds from the bottom of the plant and like i said FUCK ME. well worth it.
are you gonna update today?


Well-Known Member
man that seems kinda expensive oscar,shiiiiiit i'da wanted feminized seeds AT LEAST for £155..is that the going rate???
I will do my update tomorrow,i've told the missus im doing nothing and she isn't dragging me anywhere!...besides,the girls are asleep :)

Ah Mr West.....Phychosis sounds fuckin lush mate,i read up on it at the farm ;)


Well-Known Member
if you want the original it is. i don't think they make them fem, i think there are copies available that are fem and cheaper. jock horror is one i think. i thought if i'm gonna do it i'll try and get the best, so that if i fucked it up, i'd end up with something average but fingers crossed i'm gonna get something sweeeet. if you can afford it i'd recommend it IMHO.

looking forward to the update.