1st time???/

1st tymer

when should i flower my plant its a white widow clone and since i had it is been veggin but idk if its big enough to start flowering:leaf:


Well-Known Member
believe it or not if it is 6 inches tall u can switch to 12/12 & in about 2 weeks it could grow to 20 inches tall, lol. it all depends on u & how long u want to keep it in veg. the longer u veg the more potential buds sites u r going to have & the larger the yield will be. if u just need a little personal grow in the quickest time, u can switch really early with ur clone. remember your clone is already as old as the plant it was taken from plus anytime u have had it.

1st tymer

damn im tryna put the pic on here but its no workin but its about 1.5 ft. what am i lookin for when it preflowers im really new to this


Well-Known Member
keep cigarettes away from plants. theres a good chance they are carrying tobacco mosaic virus. very contagious will kill your plant..


Well-Known Member
keep cigarettes away from plants. theres a good chance they are carrying tobacco mosaic virus. very contagious will kill your plant..
a good chance, I highly disagree. first off Positive identification of tobacco mosaic virus in infected plants often requires the services of a plant pathologist and the use of an electron microscope.


The most common sources of virus inoculum for tobacco mosaic virus are the debris of infected plants that remains in the soil and certain infected tobacco products that contaminate workers hands. Cigars, cigarettes, and pipe tobaccos can be infected with tobacco mosaic virus. Handling these smoking materials contaminates the hands, and subsequent handling of plants results in a transmission of the virus. Therefore, do not smoke while handling or transplanting plants.

to concern that usage of any tobacco is contaminated is I believe a stretch. of course it is never a good idea to smoke around ur plants, & it never hurts & is always good practice for a number of reasons to handle plants with only clean hands as the likelihood of bringing other microscopic bad organisms of any sort to the plant can be avoided.

finally, the evidence says to the contrar, the virus almost never kills ur plants

having said that, I have NO IDEA what this has to do with this topic or this plant, which is healthy & vibrant.