1st timer CFL grow journal

smoke so thick

Active Member
she was about 3 nodes (i think? node is where the fan leafs protrude from the stem right? take a look a the last picture andd tell me) and about as tall as my forefinger. haven't seen her in two days so i imagine she'll be bigger. new pictures tonight/tomorrow morning

on a slight side note, I had a nightmare last night that i got back and they were all shirveled up dead. terrifying omen consider i have a dream maybe once a month. haha the few dreams i have are always nightmares invovling nug, like this one time when i had a ton of chron i dreamt that i knocked my jar over and it spilled out and a bunch of nugs rolled under my dresser and i couldn't reach them, no matter how hard i tried

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Oh yes.. the legendary "nugs just out of reach" nightmare.. I know that one oh to well... it's up there with "I'm being chased, but can't run fast enough"

Just remember it's just a dream.. lol

Any way.. I would wait until the 4th or 5th node before trying to train her... the number of nodes is not really important... it's her height and stem strength... you want her stem strong enough to take the punishment, but flexible enough not to break.


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

smoke so thick

Active Member
allright so i got back to find a quite distressed plant. droopy leaves, yellowing of the bottom leaves, i gave it water and it perked back up to life, hopefully I didnt just stress fuck myself a male plant, but given that its from bagseed...

I believe the reason it got screwed up is because i tried to put my fan on a timer and i think ididnt do it right and it got real hot while i was gone.

The first Ice (grey pot) is doing well it seems, and so are the other two, though one got too stretched so as you can see it leaned over and is suportting the "head" on the edge of the pot. I was thinking of reburying it with almost all the stem under dirt, with the idea that it will turn into the root syetem. will that work?

also changed the arraingment onf the pots to maximze lighting.


smoke so thick

Active Member
Wolfman- the stem on the aforementioned Ice is too weak to support the "head". it fell over and rests on the side of the pot. my thinking with burying it was that i had thought that, when you clone for example, you bury a stem or branch (possibly lightly slicing with a razor) and roots will grow from it

the bag girl is not looking to good, drooping like a mother. I would guess over watering, but its been two days since i watered and it looked better yesterday. any ideas folks?


smoke so thick

Active Member
the droopy one droops even more this morning. While i was moving the plants round i accidentally knocked some soil out of its pot and noticed the stem under the soil appeared to be browning and looked a bit shriveled. could this be root rot? is it solvable? couldn't get a clear enough picture to show whats going on unfortunately

good news is that the first Ice is looking really good, first set of tri-section leaves are looking strong...now i need to make sure i don't do whatever it is i did to the bag plant. The Ice that is standing up looks pretty decent as well.

on a side note, i've got a buddy with some tall plants, hes got some g13 and afghan mafia, is it possible that they could grow up to 2 more feet while flowering? trying to figure out when it should be done.


smoke so thick

Active Member
i couldn't really get a picture of the shriveling at the base because my camera gets too blurry when i zoom that close, but it was getting worse every day so what i did was I cut the plant a little bit above the dying part and reburied it. I figured it was going to die anyways from the looks of it because i thought it might be root rot. , and when i checked out the old roots, they all looked tiny a shriveled and broke up very easily...
I did it about 2 hours ago and it doesn't look worse. possibly even better but that could be my imagination.

Ice 1 is growing well, and I have those two smaller runt-ish ices which are looking better every day. The one whose stem was having trouble supporting it has now picked itself up off the ground. I know it might be early but im thinking about starting to lst it right now since i've already got the stem basically growing sideways out to the edge of the pot. just gently adjust the growth of the top of it around the sides of the pot.

im thinking ill probably get some bigger bulbs soon two, maybe a powerful over hanger... any suggestions in the cfl realm? my friend has some badass one he ordered online, but how about things you can get a home depot/lowes type venture that pack some punch


Active Member
i would let them dry up until the containers are light weight,get those damn lights closer (1-1/2''-2-1/2'')to the top of your girls. I've had good results using mylar space blankets for x-tra reflectionary qualities-good luck mate and may the 420 gods bless you with a bountiful harvest-peace out mark