1st timer. CFL/Soil/Bagseed


Well-Known Member
temps have been about 78 +/- 5 deg for the duration of my grow.

i am tackling a new problem because I am setting up for my SOG. so i have walls going up and the ventilation is changing. it got to 85 for about 10 minutes while i was working in there today but thats the first time that's ever happened. i think the blame lies with crappy MG nutes and maybe some over watering. however, only 1 plant is really doing poorly so it could be a diff strain since they were all bagseed... too bad it's the one plant that decided to grow little white pistils. what a bitch. ha ha

I ordered some stuff from htg on friday night too....

Carbon filter and 6" inline fan combo
Digital PH and PPM/EC meters
Gen. Hyd. PH up and down

With the addition of that big fan i am sure I wont have much of a problem keeping my temps under control.... UNTIL I get the 2 1000 watters in there. But they will be in air cooled reflectors so I think it should be OK.

I'll get some pics of my room up later today after I get the second door made...


Well-Known Member
Well I'm as done as I am gonna be today...
After much cutting, sawing, stapling, and whatever else I did today I finally got my grow room looking like grow ROOMS.

Panda film put up everywhere it needs to be
Walls are up splitting the one room into 2
I've had a door on the front for a little while but now I have a door to access the veg room from the flower room. And everything is rather lightproof... Not 100% but you can't see your hand in front of your face when the doors are closed so I think it'll be allright.

Like I said I need to work out ventilation a little better but I have some ideas. I'm just too tired to go cutting more holes in my house today. Ha ha.

I was going to paint the lids of my aero tubs to lightproof them just as I did with the tubs themselves but I took the excess panda film and cut it to be the same shape as the lid with about 1.5" overhang. Then I cut holes where the plant stems will go through and a slit from the hole to the nearest edge. I think that will be much better than a black lid since it will reflect much light up as well as keep light away from anywhere it's not supposed to go.




Well-Known Member
I just got my PH and ppm meters in the mail. I tested my tap water and the PH is 8.6 and ppm is 773. I am thinking that's not good.

I also tested the MiracleGro solution I have been feeding these guys the whole time.
(This was in tap water that had been setting out for about a week)
The readings were: 5.9/195 with 1/2 strength nutes and 5.5/230 with full strength nutes.
Strange results. But I am guessing letting the water sit out let a lot of whatever is in there evaporate. I was expecting the PPM to be much higher! In a few days it will be time to measure and test the first application of the General hydroponics nutes.

Thats the update for now. All of the plants are doing really well after the re-pot and #11 aka george bushy is doing the same...crappy.


Well-Known Member
Questions for those who know/care:
When I apply the GH nutes, should I give them an appropiate amount of nutes based on their estimated age? Or should I give the min. amount and go up from there?

I have some preflowers showing so I'm just waiting on flowering the clones for gender before I flower all these cats. Speaking of the clones, I think I suck at cloning. Ha ha. I use the cloning powder in RW plugs in a solution of rooting nutes and I checked today and only one cutting is showing any signs of root stubs. I took all of the cuttings on friday. How long should I wait? Any advice? I thought my set up was sure-fire this time but now I'm not so optimistic...


Well-Known Member
I haven't cloned yet, but from what I understand:
clip at 45 degrees
put straight into cloning solution
make sure it gets enough
wet down cubes
put into cubes
put cubes in humidity chamber
spray with water

I wouldn't give up on the clones until they die. If they are alive you must be doing something right...:peace:

I would start with a 1/4 or maybe even a 1/8 solution of nutes. Just remember that nute burn is not difficult to get. You can always add more nutes, but once you've used to many the damage is done. Start slow.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Cut, rooting powder, wet RW plugs, humidity + warmth. Check, check, and double check. Well, they're not dead yet so maybe theres hope. How long does it take on average to root?


Well-Known Member
Looking gream man. Do you know why some fan leaves look 'droopy'? That is happening to me too. Some will be streaching out to the light looking great and some on the same plant are drooping


Active Member
5-10 days normally and they have roots developed, I know my clones wouldnt go and i had everything good, the temps were around 78 and then they just would die on me. Well one of my friends told me to stick a fish heating pad under the tray and then from then it just started to work, Oh and i dont use nutes untill the 6 or 7 day. They still have nutes in them from just recently cutting them off and normally if i do put a little at the start its too much for the plant and it gets burnt.


Well-Known Member
i had a couple clones that took 15 days to root (conditions were less than optimal) was also using jiffys.. just keep the leaves wet with a spray each day and spray the lid each day.. dont spray the rockwool unless it feels BONE dry
if you can keep those leaves green and perky mofo will root eventually
edit even the clones that had there leaves completely drooped, gave em a spray and they came back


Well-Known Member
Looking gream man. Do you know why some fan leaves look 'droopy'? That is happening to me too. Some will be streaching out to the light looking great and some on the same plant are drooping

I really couldn't tell you. i havent figured it out yet....


Well-Known Member
Soooo heres the count. 6 Males and 5 Females. Pretty good I'd say.
I chopped the males and when I pulled the root balls out I discovered they were getting rootbound. WHAT? I said. I just re-potted on the 14th. WTF. OK so that means that the females are the same way. Time to re-pot again. Hopefully for the last time.

Check out these pics, it's ridiculous.

Can I just break up the soil in those 6 pots in the picture from the chopped males and re-use it, or should I toss it?

Side note: My cloning is going crappy and I'm not gonna flower these 5 ladies until I get some clones rooted if it takes me a million years.

The clones have been in for like 9 days or so and are showing no signs of rooting, well, just little bumps. The rockwool is is soaking wet though and it's like that 24/7. I'm guessing thats bad? Maybe tonight if it isn't too late I am gonna try a different method of rooting clones. It has to do with floating cuttings on stryofoam in water. It sounds crazy but I'm willing to try!



Well-Known Member
I think I would use new soil. I'm not sure how quickly nutes drain from soil, but I wouldn't want to chance having none left. Cutting that cube seems like a good plan. I bet you they will root now!


Well-Known Member
yeah you want the jiffy to dry out so that the roots look for water just mist the top of the plants and the lid and leave em alone <--once a day (unless you still see moisture on the lid)


Well-Known Member
So Now that I know which ones the males are, I removed them from the cloner (2.0).
Then I took cuttings from the girls to fill it back up again (3.0).
AND just in case this revised cloner sucks, I took a 3rd set of clones (4.0) and am applying a different method to them. This is a variation of the "mom" method. I call it that because it's what my mom used to do. Which was take a cutting and stick it in water by the window til it rooted. In my variatoin theres no window. That's about it. ha ha. Take a look....

By the way all of the mommies are doing well and as soon as I get these clones to root they are going into flower immediately!

(not the clones, the moms)

