1st Timer Here...Need Help!!! Lower Leaves Burning!!!

So this is my 1st grow and it appeared everything was going alright! :clap: Over the last few days the lower leaves on my plant are yellowing and rusting up on me..Now they just look Burned..Not sure if its a Magnesium Deficiency or NuteBurn??? Maybe a Lockout?? Please Help Me!!! Don't want my baby to die on me!!! Thanx Guys!!!

so i just flushed this plant..dont know what else to do..or what is causing this problem..just figured i had to do something quick.. ANY IDEAS?????

scotty bagmonster

Active Member
ph test your run off water that comes out the bottom and get that ph in back in line .after that you can check the new growth for recovery if more leafs show the same thing then you know it aint your ph giving you lockout! then you can worry about N.P.K. = up.down.all around.View attachment 2285934 also dont forget to let the new, mid,and old growth tell you of the overall health of the plant .... one of the worst things you could do it throw more ferts at a locked out plant keep us updated after PHing ! happy growing!
Thanx Man...I just Flushed my plant and tested the run off...i think i got my pH problem fixed up...i think i will start giving it nutes again in a day or 2...This is what my plant looked like right after i flushed it!!! If you have any other advice, I'm all ears!!! IMAG0083.jpgIMAG0084.jpgIMAG0085.jpgIMAG0086.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanx Man...I just Flushed my plant and tested the run off...i think i got my pH problem fixed up...i think i will start giving it nutes again in a day or 2...This is what my plant looked like right after i flushed it!!! If you have any other advice, I'm all ears!!! View attachment 2291336View attachment 2291337View attachment 2291338View attachment 2291339
Consider straight water for a week to 10 days. Then resume nutes. In soil - Feed, water, water. Feed, water, water. Do not overwater. For sure do not feed every watering. Also consider 1/2 strength nutes first feeding.


Active Member
is it just me or should he add MORE soil to that plant. it is growing through a tunnel. possible root bound?

I was always under the rule that soil should be one inch from top. That is a big plant for such small about of soil.

More soil means more root expansion/more water your medium can hold to encourage farther root expansion.

I am not the most experienced as well.

Also those lower ones look like my Mg def. did this start from the bottom? I know epsom salts (1 tablespoon/gallon) can clear that up or dolomite lime in soil.


Active Member
also i know for a fact, if you have flushed it, u should get it some time as marijuana tends to thrive when you "starve" it of water. if you find out Mg def, you can do a foilar application of the epsom salts in a mister so that you don't add to an overwatering. worked well for me after a flush.

A proper flush should have removed the salt build up.


Well-Known Member
transplant that bitch into some roots soil is my 2 cents it could be root bound that pot is a little high on the sides for the plant.

Unlimited One

Active Member
The soil does look low, and a bigger pot will definitely be better. You'd be surprised and find that your babies tend to grow faster and get pot bound sooner that you think! Also depends what soil you are using. I use a mix of ffof and happy frog which I don't feed until three to four weeks into veggin. They grow nice and big without the nutes. It is easier to add a bit of nutes if your babie shows signs of deficiency than it is to over nute and burn them. I know some people that, depending on the soil they use, they don't use nutes at all for vegging, heck they dont even own veg nutes, all they use is flower nutes. I agree stay off nutes for at least one week, preferably two, if your soil is heavy in nutes like ffof. Transplant to atleast a true 5 gallon, better yet a 7 or 10, or bigger the better.


Active Member
Dont do both! Flush and stop feeding and they will starve. Id just stop feeding and cut off the damaged leaves.


Listen to hotrodharley, he's on the money. As for the advice above, ttttt second time I seen you suggest cutting leaves off, not a "cutter" irl are you?:shock:


Well-Known Member
use roots organics u dont need to buy seperate soils and ive run an autoflower with no nutrients and it turned out perfect and 3cubic ft bags of formula 707 u can get for 25 from the right shop
and hes right to say cut off damaged leaves.. they stress the plant more when they are damaged if over 50% damage you cut the leaf according to jorges bible


Active Member
use roots organics u dont need to buy seperate soils and ive run an autoflower with no nutrients and it turned out perfect and 3cubic ft bags of formula 707 u can get for 25 from the right shop
and hes right to say cut off damaged leaves.. they stress the plant more when they are damaged if over 50% damage you cut the leaf according to jorges bible
this is what i thought as well. but someone told me that i should like the plant run its course. it will cannibalize its own leaf.

im am unsure as to what to believe. clarification?


Well-Known Member
In veg I like leaving lower leaves so I can see any problem early, and watch it progress...or not progress if I did my job right. Deficiencies start at the bottom. Don't cut the leaves off and bury your head in the sand, figure out the problem and fix it.

Has the OP stated what the soil and nutes are? How old are they? Light cycle? Feed cycle? Do you have a ph and ppm tester? Are the stems purple?

They probly need a transplant. To me looks like bad PH, or they are hungry. Transplant, fix the PH to eliminate the possibilities...& go from there. Good luck~
I'm going to transplant this plant to a bigger bucket with more soil.. And I'm going to try the Epsom Salt treatment!! ..hopefully with getting my pH problem in check i can save this plant..thanks for the advice guys!!! I'll keep you updated and ill have some new pics to show you how shes doing!!


Well-Known Member
cut the dead leaves or half dead its simple as that dead leaves stress the plant and there are no benefits to keep them whoever told u that is a jackass


Well-Known Member
I read that out of Jorge's Medical marijuana horticulture bible and i can almost guarantee you hes got more experience than the breeders you get your seeds from