1st Timer, not looking to spend a lot of money. Quick question

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
wow, this all seems so possible and not expensive. Does ph kits last a long time? I dont have any other seeds and i dont know when i'll get another one since I don't buy anymore because it's too expensive in NJ.
Yeah I still have over half my ph test drops and over 3/4 of the ph up and down after 2 1/2 grows.

You should only be using 5 bucks of electricity a month for a small set up like yours.

My 12/12 with 180w lights and two fans was costing me 10 dollars a month. (I got a meter to check)

My biggest cost for my first grow was building my box and buying the tools to cut wood. In hindsight I coulda been way cheaper and made a better box.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If you didnt count building my box.

Light setup cost me 30 bucks, Circulating fan 15 bucks, exhaust fan 20 bucks, Soil 18 bucks (alot left over), seeds 40 bucks (2 and 1 freebie + stealth shipping), nutes 35 bucks, electricity 40 = 198 dollars.

198 dollars to pull ounce and half on first grow which is worth 360 bucks out here. :weed: I expect to get 1.5-2 oz this grow. And this grow is just electricity and maybe a few more bulbs.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
CooView attachment 2523974View attachment 2523975View attachment 2523976View attachment 2523977View attachment 2523978View attachment 2523979View attachment 2523979View attachment 2523980View attachment 2523981

The last pic is me turning the plant around trying to expose the underleafe..sorry about the double of the grow box. If you can see I have two hooks in already but im not sure how strategically they are placed
Nice set up. I hope there are drainage holes in that container.

Also be very gentle when you lst. Don't want to damage her roots by pulling too hard. When you said your plant was 5 inches tall, I thought you meant from the soil up. She looks to be about 3-4 inches tall.


Active Member
wow...1.5 oz is insane. It's not a PC box is it? Btw how does my setup/plant/LST attempt look? I feel that even though im bending the plant over, the leaves are too big to really expose the underleaf..


Active Member
i gotta fix the drainage holes...i kinda just took a knife and made slits on the bottom. even so it kind of sucks b/c the cover that im using is flat so even if the holes were big i feel it wouldnt have a lot of space in between bottom of the pot and the lid to allow much water out ...but honestly i dont give the plant a lot of water at all though

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
What do you mean by expose the under leaf? The plant will always move her leaves to collect the most light. Tomorrow morning she will shift everything. You'll see.

What wattage light is that? And how far away is it from the top of your plant?

My setup was in a 2x3 area with 4 foot ceiling. My plant was 6 1/2 inches when I started flower and I believe she ended at 3 1/4 feet tall. I think she had some sativa in her or my lights weren't close enough for her. Live and learn.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
i gotta fix the drainage holes...i kinda just took a knife and made slits on the bottom. even so it kind of sucks b/c the cover that im using is flat so even if the holes were big i feel it wouldnt have a lot of space in between bottom of the pot and the lid to allow much water out ...but honestly i dont give the plant a lot of water at all though
It will be fine. When you water just don't put her back into the box until she is done draining.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The smaller nodes will grow out for the light eventually.

Keep the light 3 inches from plant tops. Put some books you don't care about much under the plant to get her up there, and then you can remove as she grows.