1st Timer's question.


Active Member
HELLO AGAIN! Ok, so its been almost a week since i have FIM'd little Otishia. I would say that "shes" doing okay. She has become much bushier at the top, but her first set of true leaves have turned yellow and are starting to prune up a lil.

I havent watered her in 5 days, but her soil is just getting dry today..i waited on purpose, I'm not too worried, the top of her looks amazing! Any comments or advice on what to do next?

Here are some neat progress pics.

This is what her FIM'd head looked like last night..its getting fluffier and weird looking every day.

This is a good progress pic, and you can see the yellowing leaves at the bottom,WHAT UP WIT DAT YOZ?

I'll let you guys in on a lil secret. this Thursday I am starting a grow journal with ten new lil MJ plants!!



Active Member
I noticed that where i fim'd her there is a little black circle now..is that normal?? and should i just prune the yellowing leaves at the bottom?

As a first timer, what should i be looking out for next now that i have fim'd her? sorry for the inane questions..I just want her to be the happiest. PEACE!


Well-Known Member
The oldest leaves seem to yellow and die off as the plant grows. No big deal. You can trim them off as they do. But if you dont feed your plants properly the yellowing will happen faster and...you dont want that. She is definately at or past feeding age. What's for diner??lol
Cant wait to see how the FIM turns out I want to do that my next grow.
Happy growing and keep us posted.


Active Member
Thanks for the words! I haven't really fed my plant nothing but pure distilled water. Oh well, when I didn't know anything i put two sticks of these things in the pot, but they are gone now..

I thought it was a good idea at the time, but later found out that it is better to control the plant nutes.. could these TWO sticks doom my plant for evar??!

I just watered about 1.5 litres of water and she has sucked up all the runoff water in less than 2 hours..boy was she thirsty!!


Active Member
Otishia had a huge growth spurt last night and was pressed against the top bulb all night. Her newest set of leaves are perfectly OKAY, but the ones around it are a lil crispy, what will this do?


Active Member
My plant is now roughly a month old, bushy as a muh f****a and has not shown any sex signs yet. Is this normal?, i havent started flowering it at all and has had continuous 24 hour light regular waterings, and little to NO nutes at all. I think i may try a banana on it lol.

Oh and the FIM worked, my plant now has 3 top heads!!


Well-Known Member
Wow cool 3 heads has got to be better than 1 !
And yes I would think thats normal. I'd let those heads get established before you flower anyway. Pics of the 3 headed beast??
Oh and find some nutes!! I use straight up miracle grow 24/8/16. Never more than 1/2 strenght. Its cheap and you can get it anywhere. A lot of people dont like it but Its better than nothing. Im going to start using some bloom booster 10/54/10 with molasses for flowering.
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Active Member
cool cool. thanks man. that really helps to know, i was gettin worried my plant was some sort of dud lol.. i may just keep it veggin til i flower my next batch and have all them goin at the same time..im sure i can rig somethin in my lil closet.

i gotta head to work now but ill show some nice pics tonight around midnight.

thanks again


Well-Known Member
I've heard of people keeping a plant in veg for more than 2 years taking clones from it when needed. I'm thinking about doing that myself....


Active Member
yeah, what does the banana do? I'm also new so it may be a dumb question. Also, I think i know why Otishia was so stretched at first. I think I read In High Times magazine that "normal" light bulbs supply a spectrum that really only mostly helps with stem growth and i think i remember them saying that it would look really tall and thin which is the first thing i thought when i seen the pic of her first 3 weeks. If you notice in that pic in looks like the stem grew until it reached the light before it really started makin leaves. Anyways looks like you got it all straightened out now. My 2nd lil girl just busted the soil so hopefully look like yours soon. (my first baby died suddenly when my light slipped some and burned it up (b/c i had it on 24 hours and didnt check for like a day and a half). Good luck!


Active Member
The banana is for feminising the plant..google 'banana religion' so i dont have to explain again lol..CHECK MY NEW THREAD FOR MORE GROWING EXCITEMENT!!

Cdubb:Yes those crappy desk lamps i was using did make her stretch out, Im glad i found this place to learn about CFLS!! Good luck on your grow. Im really new to this myself..
