1st try 4 kinds cfl grow


Well-Known Member
Mylar is the best. It will do you better over your waxed, photo paper and certianly tin foil. However, i'd leave the paper you have up over the tin foil, tin foil will do you more harm then good.
Look, Aluminum Foil will maybe:
Causes the heat to stay inside of your grow box, it might raise your temps a degree....
You are using CFL's, so no 1000 w MH burns on plants as foil does reflect....

Aluminum Foil WILL NOT Cause:
"More Harm than good" That is complete Bull Shit....
CFL's and Aluminum foil, not the same issues with a high pressure light...

I use Aluminum foil, for maybe 6-7 years....NO Issues...
I do not let the Aluminum foil touch my plants...
I hang the foil like wall paper with spray glue on wall first, and smooth out foil...
Foil on walls is washable, wipeable, sturdy, and I don't get the anti aluminum peeps...
Like the Anti CFL peeps....
Like the Anti MG peeps....
Like the Anti Aluminum foil peeps...
Really, you are going to bag on peeps that have used it without problems? When you have not tried it?
Makes no sense to me....
Good Luck Man...


Well-Known Member
Honestly I've only seen a couple CFL grows be worthwhile. I bought a cpl 105s to start with a quickly realized what my issues were going to be. Even at high watts (85-200) the CFLs just don't have the penetration so I found i would have been better off getting the 42s and spreading them around some. Also, they kick off more heat than I was expecting. With 4 plants I think you would want more than just (4) 125s, you would at least need some for the bottom, and by then you spent more than it would have cost to get a 4 or 600 off of Craigslist. Good luck with whatever, and if you're serious about CFLs I would advise giving Vega a shout. I was for real impressed with what that man did with them florescents.


Active Member
Of course he is right, CFL's are for people that are idiots...
check this out:

lol..if i could grow bud like that........i would smoke it! :D haha
but really..i wish i could grow like that.

galildoughty - yea i tried spraying a side on with the foil and i took it off right away. bad idea. but i think for now, i'm going to keep the paper on....for now. i do want to get mylar soon tho.
i think as long as i get those fans installed it should be alright.
btw...do you think if i froze a 2ltr bottle of salt water (so it melts slower) and have a fan blowing on it in the box...it'll reduce the ambient temperature of the whole box?

ozman - don't worry. questions are waiting to be asked

as for status update....no sprouts today either. and the fans have not arrived today.
here's a snap shot of the....flags.
REALLY lookin forward for the og kush. well thanks again for all the advice. see u when the sprouts appear


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Btw I didn't run 300w the entire grow. I added cfls as the plant got bigger.

Check the purple link in my sig. It was my last grow.


Active Member
Look, Aluminum Foil will maybe:
Causes the heat to stay inside of your grow box, it might raise your temps a degree....
You are using CFL's, so no 1000 w MH burns on plants as foil does reflect....

Aluminum Foil WILL NOT Cause:
"More Harm than good" That is complete Bull Shit....
CFL's and Aluminum foil, not the same issues with a high pressure light...

I use Aluminum foil, for maybe 6-7 years....NO Issues...
I do not let the Aluminum foil touch my plants...
I hang the foil like wall paper with spray glue on wall first, and smooth out foil...
Foil on walls is washable, wipeable, sturdy, and I don't get the anti aluminum peeps...
Like the Anti CFL peeps....
Like the Anti MG peeps....
Like the Anti Aluminum foil peeps...
Really, you are going to bag on peeps that have used it without problems? When you have not tried it?
Makes no sense to me....
Good Luck Man...
How am I "bag"ing on peeps that have used aluminum foil? How do you know I haven't used it? How do I know you have'nt formed an entire roll of aluminum foil into a 9" reflective cock and fucked yourself with it? I know its washable, wipe-able and sturdy, oh fuck it, whatever floats your boat.


Well-Known Member
With that out of the way, here are my thoughts.

Try and socket up your cabinet for 4 of those high watt cfls. Stagger the sockets (Left and right side of case) Use 2 "6500k" for veg and replace those with 4 of your "2700k" for flowering, when money permits..... Obviously you can use whichever ones you want. This will give you plenty of light for veg and a good amount of light for flower.

Heat will probably be an issue so you'll want to find a pc case fan or 2 or similar fan to exhaust your box.

Order a roll of mylar when money permits and use it to line your box over the paper.

Do some research on LSTing. Try using a appropriate container size container thats plastic so you can drill holes all along the top so you can LST with your preference of tie down material (I use a high gauge wire).

If at all possible, consider making a false deck for you plants to sit up (Get a square of 1/2 plywood) to sit your plants on so you can raise the height of your plants by blocking out underneath, having your hopefully flat canopy of buds around 2" - 4" from your CFLs is critical.

Thats it for now, good luck sir!
Go to Wal Mart, or someplace with a camping dept., and look for the Coleman emergency blankets.
They are like 6'x4' if not bigger, and the mylar is the same shit, for about $3.


Active Member
Go to Wal Mart, or someplace with a camping dept., and look for the Coleman emergency blankets.
They are like 6'x4' if not bigger, and the mylar is the same shit, for about $3.
Nice! Thanks for the thrifty advice.

Well in any case, i tried the foil and i'm not going that route. don't care if it's cheap or all that other stuff. i put it up and turned on the lights and i could notice a decrease in overall brightness in the box.
i'm going to try get that emergency blanket and see what happens with that.

flaming - really nice results! i hope for some frosty goodness on my grow too.

Ok, so i'm about to go insane waiting for sprous. perhaps i should have used the wet napkin method to germinate. i just dropped the seeds into the pucks and...still waiting. lol
i planted those seeds on....saturday, it's now tuesday. am i being overly impatient?
the og kush is ALMOST poking its head above the surface...others still nothing.

and i just...for the sake of it, planted a seed i got from the local growers. im guessing that the genetics is mostly sativa...i'm calling this one loco moco.

i guess that's it for now. i'll be working on putting vent holes and fans in the box this week.

thanks everyone for stoppin by and showing some love. mr. vega, flaming pie, and other people with successful cfl grows..thanks for sharing. sand4x105 and galildoughty...and ozman, i know you guys have wealth of experiences and knowledge. i'll need you guys :)
if i missed anyone my bad..i'm new to this stuff.

(i wish i had more to update...it's been very mundane just waiting on these sprouts)



Active Member
lol...i saw that. i wanna take a toothpick and help it out a little.

btw...once the og kush sprouts, should i start the lights? if i do, i'd probably need to move the others into a separate dark place....right?


Active Member
hallelujah! i finally got a sprout. and it's the og kush. i knew i loved this strain! haha
so yea..it kinda sprouted last night but i was too lazy to get back on here and make a post.
atleast this morning, the water leaves have fully opened up.
had it under lights since last night....here's a couple quick shots of my first of the firsts :P

thanks for stoppin by again!



Active Member
hey guys. its been a while. so still the og kush is the only one that's sprouted. but since then i've potted her with bg cocoblend potting soil. i also gave her a really light feed. i don't know the measurements of it...i just put a drop of biothrive camg+ bioroot and bioweed in a cup pretty big cup of water and gave the first feed.
the temps in the box get to about 90F even with a fan. i know i need to drill vent holes...but the computer fans have not yet arrived and i wanna know exactly how big of a hole i need to drill out. i threw a frozen bottle and that helped drop the temps a few degrees. i think it gets about 82-85F now..on the sprount. it won't work wonders but this method, in my opinion, is useful to get some cool air blowing onto the plant.

it's been 7 days since i planted and i only have 1 growing. is it time i plant again?

for your viewing pleasure...



Active Member

still no new sprouts. saturday would make it 2 weeks with no signs of life.....i'm going to give in (soon) n just try again..........................................
but the sprout that i have now is looking sweet! :D she's turning purple though....could that mean it's too cold in the box?
the light cycle is on 7pm-1pm off 1-7. and..i haven't cut any vent holes to extract heat yet. so when i goto work in the morning i have to keep both doors closed.
so i've been using the frozen bottle method to keep temps low...but i'd put 4 2ltr bottles in there. i figure that'd hold off from 830-1 when the lights go off. dunno how cold it would get in there though.

i'm looking to get a thin t5 tube thats 6500k set up between my two cfls. the cfl's are both 2700k. i think they're the 1 or 2 inch tubes.
would that really be beneficial? or should i just go orange light all the way n see how that goes?

well....been snappin away at this og kush. :)



Active Member
From what I understand the purple coloring is usually associated with stress. Take care in watering and feeding, as in not to much. Weed is really, really tough but is very impressionable when still so young.

Once your fans are installed you'll have some passive air intake going on, I don't remember if you had your door setup to seal out light, either way, install your fans, see how it goes before putting a bunch of holes in your cab, to much passive intake will hinder your fans ability to replace the air. Either way, looking good so far! More light the better of course, I drove myself insane worrying about heat, fans, filters, lights and everything else untill I got some harvests under my belt. So just roll with it, make changes when you know they need to be made and in no time you'll be pretty confident in what you can do.


Active Member

please help me welcome og cheese #2 to the rollitup community. she finally decided to join this grow sesh.
i'm germinating new seeds so i hope to report new babies this week!

og kush is staying short n bushy.
had an accident tho. tried watering her when i was drunk and tripped over something. she went flying and separated from her pot and soil. =/
i did my best but...she lost a 3 finger leaf. she recovered well tho, no signs of any negative effects (minus the missing leaf)
but she has new growth coming from everywhere!

when do you suppose i can start feeding her with full strength nutes? she broke ground on 5/1.

galildoughty - yea, i've been trying not to over bear on the plants too much...i make sure the soil is dry before i water. and i guess its good that they're not purple anymore...just lush green :)
the vent hole situation has not improved as the ebay seller sent it to the wrong address, refuses to resend the fans nor refund my money (seller name: hi-pc....don't trust those fucks).
just ordered new set of muffin fans from another seller, hopefully this comes in soon.

thats it for now i guess...here are some more pics.
keep comin back guys...the pics will get more monsterous as the weeks go by :)



Active Member

i got 2 questions that i want to ask everyone:
1. at what point do you pot up to the bigger pots? because with the ogk...i'm watering quite often..almost every 1.5 days. also i'm seeing roots at the holes on the bottom.
2. the ogk is really short. i think too short. is that a problem? am i just over analysing?