1st VA grow


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks really nice. Flowering will happen naturally when the light cycle lowers to 12/12 towards the end of summer


Well-Known Member
The plant starts flowering before 12/12...like 14/10...prolly mid August here in the N.E. BTW...your "pot" plant is looking nice!!! Keep up the good work!


Active Member
thank thank you is there any pruning or anything that i should be doing??? i just water it n thats it


Well-Known Member
thank thank you is there any pruning or anything that i should be doing??? i just water it n thats it
I don't think you have much time left to prune or top...takes a bit to grow where you topped or pruned. First time grower, therefore you should just learn from the experience you take in from this grow. Next grow, you have the know-how to grow...try trimming, fimming, LST'ing, topping, etc,. It's always a learning experience.:joint::peace:
Oh, and are you using any types of nutes?


Well-Known Member
nope ive just been letting it gow all natural
hmmm...try introducing it to a flowering fert...you can get an all purpose flowering fert from your local HD or Lowes.
Only start with 1/4 recommended strength though. Your plant will need these nutes once it starts to flower. By that time, all the micro organisms and simple nutrients will be exhausted by the marijuana's roots.

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
very nice plant, good work. you definately have a green thumb. its way too hard for me to guess the strain but it looks like some good genetics.


Active Member
it was some srt8 bagseed... it was some good when i bought it im hopen itll be better when i grow it im also starting one inside hoping to have it grown n harvested withitn 2 or 3 months


Active Member
ok ok it was just some good bagseed it was good when i bought it so i figured itll be better when i grew it!!!


Well-Known Member
ok ok it was just some good bagseed it was good when i bought it so i figured itll be better when i grew it!!!
Typically, bagseed grown by yourself WILL be better, because it hasn't been passed through so many different hands, and you'll know when its time to harvest, and you'll be manicuring/curing your own buds. Crap Mexican Marijuana bagseed can become decent kind bud when grown properly. Its all about the technique my friend. I'm in my garden all day, everyday. Its TLC and knowledge! Good Luck!:joint::peace: