1st week grow


Active Member
OK so i just planted my sprouts into small 4x4" cups. im growing in my closet which is about 3x3x6. my question is, is there a certain height i should keep my lights at? cuz right now i have one florescent light and 2 heat lamps at 100watts. and i have them about 4-5 feet above the cups. would that be enough light for the plants to grow. btw the sprouts are growing fast and they're about one inch tall right now.

oh and one more question for the first few weeks of growth for the plants. how long should i have lights on for. as of right now i keep them on for 12 hours, and i turn them off for the night. is that good enough?


Well-Known Member
Heat lamps huh? yea those probobly are doing no good but I wouldnt know for sure.

Are they those ones that are red and like for a bathroom?
STick with the fluros and get some compact fluros too



Uses the Rollitup profile
The heat lamps will make it hot, nothing more.

They will do nothing for growing plants.


Active Member
oh ok thnx guys, no they;re not the red ones there just normal 100 watt lights, they still give off light, except it does get warm, im just wondering wheather or not the heat will affect the plants or not.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i was using 2 x 250 watt heatlamps but they are only good for germination and the qst week but then i really suggest to get some energy saving CFLs or if u got the $, find urself a HPS (high pressure sodium) lamp, it will work quite nice and u will be glad on the investment!!!


Well-Known Member
ya see cause normally, u can somewhat control the growing height of ur plants by how close, or even how far i guess, away the plant is... because of the amount of space u put inbetween the light and plant...

but you don't wanna cook em' with those heat lamps, lol... good luck!


Active Member
thats not true. i have grown using a heat lamp from my snake to grow without any problems.gives off red light spectrum with about 2500 lumens
Make sure that you don't use too big of a pot once you transplant unless you want more room for root growth which will cause your plants to get bigger, it sounds like you don't have a huge amount of space to work with.

Good luck,
Happy growin!
Don't you need "day light" bulbs for growing? Since day light bulbs give off blue and purple colors which is for growing? and soft white aka warm white bulbs for flowering? Since soft white bulbs give off red and orange colors which is for flowering?

and if we're referring to metal halide and high pressure sodium bulbs;

Metal Halide = blue and purple(growing)

High Pressure Sodium = red and orange(flowering)

my cfls were too close to my plant and i had a lot of them surrounding my little plant and it roasted my plant. so i wouldn't say too too close. but then again, i had poor cooling going on in my closet, so the bulbs were hot. i had 3 plants and 12 26w cfls day light running.


Well-Known Member
Blue light for Veg, red for Flowering. I keep my CFL's an inch and a half away from the leaves. An inch starts to curl my leaves upward. It also kept them from stretching, my nodes on my oldest are about 1cm apart. I'd look into Indoor CFL growing, your going to have much more success controling your variables such as heat, color temp, stretching, humidity, etc. Once you grow a plant from start to finish, without any regards to yeild, then start playing around with different lights and techniques.