1week of dark before flowering?


Active Member
I was wondering what would happen if I moved my girls into a dark room for a week before going into 12/12.

I was thinking the dark could speed up the time to flowering? Anyone ever try this?


New Member
I personally use a product that calls for 36 hours of darkness when you want to transition into flower. A whole week might be too much though.


Well-Known Member
When a plant is in flower, during lights off, it produces hormones needed for bud production during lights on, the theory is that when you give a plant extended darkness (24hrs +) before 12/12 it allows the plant to generate more hormones thus speeding up the flowering process, none of this has been proven however and isn't yet considered as fact.


Active Member
I often don't make sense, just wondering if a period of dark before going 12/12 would push the plant into flower mode.
What do you guys think would happen with 2-4 days? I wouldn't think it would hurt, just not sure it would help either


New Member
Go ahead and leave a plant in the dark for a week and see how shocked it will look .. Might as well just grow herms from the start ..