2,000 watt exhaust help plz


Hey guys. I have just moved my plants into my flower room. It is a 10x12 room. I have two vs 1.000 watt hps lights. I currently have 23 plants in flower. I am concerned about the smell. I have a 6 inch inine fan 420cfm and scrubber hooked up as follows.

Scrubber>hood >hood>fan> exit.

I was thinking of adding another inline fan to help the efficiency of the scrubber so it would look like this.....


Would this help the scrubber work better or is there another option?

I have plenty of room to work with so all ideas are appreciated. Thnx

Btw...i have white widow, blueberry skunk,critical,fruit spirit and flower power. 1st week of flower. Thnx
I take it your on a passive intake then... That large of a room you need something larger than 450cfm to cool two 1k lights sucking through a carbon filter as well. How big of a filter are you using? I would really consider a much higher cfm fan.


Active Member
Yes a bigger fan is ideal to have on your scrubber because it makes pressure through your hood so no sticky odors come in your hoods... I just learned this this grow.. So filter>bigger fan> hood>hood>maybe a booster>exit.... The reason u do this is because if there is any air leaks from your hoods:) also get a speed controller for your bigger fan


I have a 6" scrubber. I was thinking that by adding the additional 6" fan it would create enough airflow. So the fan at the beginning would suck air through the scrubber and push it through the hoods and the fan by the exit would pull it out. Correct?


Well-Known Member
What you just said is true but the fact is that the limiting factor in this is the end fans ability to pull air threw, if its a 450 CFM adding another 450 CFM wont help that much, adding a booster fan might help a little bit, also pulling to much air threw the filter to fast might cause odor problems. If i were you i would set up an unfiltered ventilation tract for your hoods and then get an over sized fan and filter to make sure you have temps, humidity and odor under control.


Well-Known Member
Run the fan before your lights so Filter>fan>lights. Pulling constant hot air through the fan is going to cause it to fry faster. The best idea as said above is running a filter/fan for the room itself and keeping your lights on their own line, have a fan push air from the outside though so you're not sucking hot stinky air from inside the tent that might possible leak into the hood


the fans run much more efficient as pullers, not pushers.
Right, but if its set up as such, filter---fan---hood---hood---out of room, it will work more efficiently than having it mounted so far away from the filter. The hoods don't do much to restrict flow, but the filter does. I'd want my fan mounted as close to the filter as possible.

A friend has the same set up, and his 400+ CFm 6" fan keeps the hoods cool to the touch with no odor exiting the room with no other fans other than for circulation.


Active Member
I recently changed my setup and am happy as a pig in shit. I have 4 x 600w and my temps are spot on. It is a bit pricey but it works a treat.

fresh cool air in -- light 1 -- 750cfm fan -- light 2 -- light 3 -- 750cfm fan -- light 4 -- exit room. Fans are connected direct to the hoods.

Large scrubber in the corner with 750cfm fan sat on the top. passive inlet. Use accoustic ducting, less leaks and insulates well.