I dont sell weed and due to my location and where i grow, i am confined to using a 400watt hps. So using a 1000watt light or producing a 2lb yeild is an impossiblity for me. however if i chose to move my grow room to a place where i could actually maintain a 1000watt light, and if i had the money to buy the necessary supplys, I dont see why I, or anyone else would have a prob reaching that goal. I just dont know wtf I would do with 2lbs of weed every harvest besides smoke my self retarded.
we can argue semantics all night. all im saying is youve had your system up for 6 months. youre already getting nearly 2 lbs... and you said with some tweaking of it you expect to get a larger yeild in the future. Growing weed is not hard and if youre not getting 2lbs with a 1000watt light you could be if you fixed something. and if you cant maintain the correct growing environment for your light, you need to downgrade or accept the less than optimal results.
I guess I could have replaced the word "average" for "its been known to happen relativly often for people who have a decent understanding for what it takes to grow marijuana". I just assumed that when we were talking about people with 1000watt lights, we werent talking about the kids who are growing LR2 seeds in a computer tower in moms basement.
anyways. to answer OPs question. Id prob take the word of the man who owns the hydroponics store and inquire about the type of setup he used in addition to his light, and see if he can help you construct a similiar one if possible.