2 3 foot tall plants under 1000 wat hps

hey this is my second grow and i was wondering if i could get some help from u experienced guys buy ya so i recently passed on two teens i had flowering with these thosand watt hps to one of my licensed friends and nbow i have 2 3 foot plants under the thousand watt hps they are pretty much 3 foot tall one sage and sour diesel and one sky walker og the sky walker is probably a month into flowering and the sage is probably 6 weeks i use soil and monster bloom nutes been feeding some sweet to from bonita care i was just wondering if it wil do anythingif i have the two plants under the thousand watt now and if it will increase my yield or am i fucking something up any advice would be gratly appreciated thanks oh ya im also just using panda film


Active Member
sounds to me like the lighting is more than enough and your feeding it well. just give it some time and harvest when the tricomes are ready. make sure when you harvest to dry them and cure good.
thx but do u think its to small of a plant like only 3 foot and a thousand watt hps with the yield be small cause the plant is so small or u think i can get at ;least a qp?
i mean a qp a plant right cause i wqent from having a fucking 150 watt to a thousand watt in my closet my second grow so im kinda not understandin completley ha or dont know what to expect cause the people at the hydro shop said easily a qp each plant if i had four under so u dont think it will double or cause i guess my plants are really short huh?


Active Member
I would say 12" is to close to 1k lamp. I singe me girls with 600w at more than 12". I would give her a good 24" (2ft).

As for your yield, I only veg to about 2ft tall, plants end up about 3.5ft after 12/12 stretch. Hitting 4 oz a plant is not difficult (I shed tears if not at least 4 per plant) but never grown your strains or used your nutes so can't really comment.


Well-Known Member
YOu can keep that 1000w closer if you have air cooled or have a good amount of air flowing between your light and tops of plant


Well-Known Member
as above! also going from flowering under a 150 to a thousand watter will make a huge difference! 3 foot plants are more than big enough to produce some nice heavy budbongsmilie.